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Do you have room for my players on the team?



Well most of our teams are pretty strong at starting positions. But backups play about 20-40% percent of the time. You should talk to Fezmid or TGreg99 to see if either of them need any more backups. (they both own teams)


If you are looking to start, I'm sure some of the teams in lower leagues still have a need.

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okay, my RB is lvl. 6 and OT is lvl. 5, in case the link didn't work


Good players for just starting :thumbsup: .


But Fez is already tight on money, and our roster is pretty strong. Try asking Tgreg99 if he needs more players. His team is one game out of the playoffs, and could probably use some help. (We just shut them out 12-0 today FWIW :D )

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But Fez is already tight on money, and our roster is pretty strong. Try asking Tgreg99 if he needs more players. His team is one game out of the playoffs, and could probably use some help. (We just shut them out 12-0 today FWIW :thumbsup: )

I guess that you don't mind that you had a CPU controlled RB carry the ball 12 times today....or that you had a CPU controlled OT in the game on 32 plays?

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I guess that you don't mind that you had a CPU controlled RB carry the ball 12 times today....or that you had a CPU controlled OT in the game on 32 plays?


I'de love to have more human players on the team. But we are already starting to lose money from paying all of them. We have around 45 I think, and they cost a LOT more than CPU players.


Besides, we are already in the playoffs. It would be cool to see the Meatballs get in too.

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