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(OT) Curt Chilling might be out for the year

Like A Mofo

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That's a HUGE blow to the Red Sox.  They are done now.  :huh:




Im a Yankees fan and im not even thrilled to be honest....


First off if Schilling gives it a go , how effective will he be?


Second, id rather beat Boston with their absolute best

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Supposedly he'll need surgery after the season is over and he'll be in a cast. I don't see how anyone could pitch well under those circumstances.


I could still see the Sox winning the series without him. Yankees still have to count on Leiber and Brown. It ain't over yet, but you really have to wonder about that curse at a time like this.

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To tell you the truth, as a Yankees fan, Schilling didn't scare me. Mussina should have beaten him in Yankee stadium, and he did. Tonight's game, however, does concern me. Pedro is a cornered animal...he's lost his "ace" position to Schill, his ability to beat the Yankees has been called into question, and if the Sox lose this game they're season is probably done. Add the fact that Leiber is our number 2 starter and we had to use the bullpen last night...well, it's gonna be an interesting game. Many beers will be drunk tonight.

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There is no such thing as an easy game in this series. Both teams are equally capable of imploding or exploding - regardless of who is on the hill. Skinny Pete is no easy mark, regardless of his tirades or last few starts.


This series will be over when the last out is made. Not before.

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