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Anyone here what jabari green said on the radio yet?

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Hey guys....this is Larry Shea, one of the hosts of The Fellas which is the show that Jabari was on last night on Sirius Channel 126....

Just so you all know, out of the three hosts on the show, two of us are big Buffalo Bills fans and we have Bills on all of the time including Nate Clements, Jabari of course (he'll be on again soon as he has become a good friend of the show), Marv Levy, and many others.


Jabari really did give out his personal cell phone over the air last night which is hilarious....that never happens. We asked him to give the information on the foundation he was promoting and he said, "Just call me on my cell phone at 716........!!!

I'll let you all know when we get another Bill on but in the meantime, check out The Fellas every Friday night on Sirius 126 from 7pm ET to 10pm ET. We talked about the Bills and Buffalo for about 45 minutes last night trying to give you guys your Buffalo fix. Thanks all for your great posts and keep on listening.



Beautiful, Lips. beautiful!



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This was definitely one of the reasons I saw no reason to get rid of WM. Ralph is the owner and I can see how it must have been a pain in the butt to own the rights to a player who does not remotely conform to or spout the traditional NFL line, but you certainly have one fan here who could not care less about what some idiot player says as long as he is not a cancer to his teammates.


However, one does not get much more old guard than Ralph and for folks who live in this world or are into the soap opera aspects of the NFL for entertainment rather the over-focus which I and others have toward onfield performance I can see why he got bounced for mere speculative draft choices.


WM never performed at a level on the field which would have allowed for his seemingly random comments off the field.


The Bills were actually in quite a good position regarding WM's contract status if they were tough enough to stomach his off-field silliness and to not cave into Rosenidiot posturing.


However, they seem to have given WM and Rosenfool everything they wanted so I guess Ralph and Willis are both happier. However, it seems from the comments here and that you site that this move was addition by subtraction only for those more concerned with the soap opera aspects of the game.


Please tell me your not serious? The guy didnt buy into the program. They had a new coaching staff last year, with new ideas & a new playbook, but yet he could not be bothered by coming up here to participate in the offseason. The players could say whatever they want to the media, but it had to stick in some players craws that the focal point of our offense wasnt around for the offseason. I think with Levy & Jauron that was the straw that broke the camels back. From that point on they decided they were going to unload him on the 07 offseason. The guy wasnt committed to the bills. Case in point he gets to Baltimore & now all of a sudden he is participating in Baltimore for the entire offseason. Just goes to show you he didnt want to be in Buffalo. Need to weed players out like that. Him & Spikes both did not want to be here, for various reasons. Getting rid of both of them is addition by subtraction. Plus both of them were average at best last year imo.

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