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NFL players are tough as heck

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Often when I watch the games I sit back and wonder how do these guys take and give out these hits over and over? I know they are payed well and they get all the attention, but how do there bodies take it? I think of how tough it is to get out of bed or off the couch when we are sick or have a bad headache or are just tired. These guys must play with constant headaches and beaten up bodies. I think of how they constantly have brush burns from sliding on the turf, yet many do not bleed or show those marks on there skin. In the blistering heat, they wear all that equipment and get crushed by 2/3 300 lb guys,while we sit in the stands and complain how hot it is in the stands. Then I sit and wonder how they play in zero degree temps and get slammed on frozen turf and pop right up. I am sure if I was getting the amount of tail these guys get and cashing those bigs checks, it might be a lot easier to see how they do it week after week.

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