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The Willis trade made it all clear

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And you're still crying about him.


By my book, that means you = kitty.


See how easy it is to throw that sort of accusation around?


The thing is, I know McGahee has played in the NFL. I don't care who you are, you can't be a kitty and play RB in the NFL. You, on the other hand, throw around words like "kitty" on the internet.


I think, choosing between you and Willis, I'd put more money on you being a kitty.


Sorry, that's just how I see it.


And that's not an insult, I know Willis is tougher than I am. That knee injury would have kicked my ass and I'm not afraid to admit it.


1. I don't make my living as an NFL runningback.

2. I don't pretend to think I could ever be an NFL runningback.

3. Numbers 1 and 2 have no bearing on the fact that Willis ran like a kitty last season.

4. You're the one who was bawlin after I gave your hero Willis the "Big kitty" moniker

5. Either learn how to take posters making fun of your boyfriend or go home.

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This is my first post and I am real excited to be conversing with fellow Bills fans. I was going to start out low key,but after hearing the rant about Rosenhaus I am jumping right in full bore. To blame Drew R. for the Willis situation is just ridiculous. It is an agents job to get the best deal possible for each and every one of his clients. This is a business plain and simple. Rosenhaus did not manipulate the trade of Willis. If the Bills had wanted to keep Willis they would have given him a substantial contract extension.


But the truth of the matter is that Willis just didn't get the job done. Take out the two games against the Jets and Willis ran for approximately 720 yards in the 11 other games he played the majority of snaps in. (he was injured early against Green Bay, and missed the Indy and Houston games) That comes out to about 65 yards per game. Not exactly game changing numbers. The man epitomizes mediocrity. And you had better believe regardless of who Willis' agent is, the Bills are not going to give a big contract to a mediocre player who just doesn't care. We are much better off without him, and now we have three extra draft picks to boot. Marv was very shrewd in trading a player they really did not want for very good value.


Rosenhaus had nothing to do with that. In fact, I think the Bills would have no problem dealing with Drew if they wanted to sign any of his other players. I don't sense any animosity between Rosenhaus and the Bills. If anything you have to give Drew credit for getting the Ravens to pay out such a contract to a very overrated player who has no heart.


Nice post. Welcome Paup!

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1. I don't make my living as an NFL runningback.

2. I don't pretend to think I could ever be an NFL runningback.

3. Numbers 1 and 2 have no bearing on the fact that Willis ran like a kitty last season.

4. You're the one who was bawlin after I gave your hero Willis the "Big kitty" moniker

5. Either learn how to take posters making fun of your boyfriend or go home.


Like I said - how can you call someone clearly far tougher than you a kitty?


You can call him a mediocre back, I don't care, but obviously the guy isn't a kitty. Have you ever broke a rib? Pussies don't play NFL games with broken ribs.


Wanna call someone a kitty? That's an insult that should be aimed at the Vince Carters of the world, not the Willis McGahees.


Stupid? Sure. Promiscuous? Ok. Unproductive? Fine. Selfish? Go ahead.

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Like I said - how can you call someone clearly far tougher than you a kitty?


You can call him a mediocre back, I don't care, but obviously the guy isn't a kitty. Have you ever broke a rib? Pussies don't play NFL games with broken ribs.


Wanna call someone a kitty? That's an insult that should be aimed at the Vince Carters of the world, not the Willis McGahees.


Stupid? Sure. Promiscuous? Ok. Unproductive? Fine. Selfish? Go ahead.


You're talking to a brick wall.

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Like I said - how can you call someone clearly far tougher than you a kitty?


You can call him a mediocre back, I don't care, but obviously the guy isn't a kitty. Have you ever broke a rib? Pussies don't play NFL games with broken ribs.


Wanna call someone a kitty? That's an insult that should be aimed at the Vince Carters of the world, not the Willis McGahees.


Stupid? Sure. Promiscuous? Ok. Unproductive? Fine. Selfish? Go ahead.


Dude, you've seriously overreacted to something that is known around these parts as a "joke". You got bent out of shape about this comment????...


"What's that characters name on the Sopranos?...Big kitty? That should've been McGahee's nickname last season since it's what he reminded me of when he ran with the football."


This is very tame stuff. Through my eyes, McGahee ran like he was afraid of getting hurt (and yes, I would be afraid of getting hurt and would run like a kitty going towards the hole. However it happens not to be my JOB to do this). I saw very little that resembled the McGahee's fierce stiff-armed running style of his 2004 season, so hence the "Big kitty" zinger. You've gotta try to lighten up if you're going to hang here man.

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Feeling's mutual. You wore out your welcome a long long time ago.





Well, then...my work here is done!


I think I'll stick around a bit longer to annoy you.

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