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I think that with Shaud Williams and Fred Jackson the only other RBs on the roster, the Bills had damn well better have a good Plan B in place if they intend to follow through on trading McGahee.
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LOL, i didn't mean that as a complement to Shaud.


For a raging homophobe, he plays ok.


For some reason I root for the 2nd string RB's on this team a lot. I have a Sammy Morris jersey, and I always liked Joe Burns. I'm not sure why, maybe it's a desire to pull for the underdog or something.

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Did Bills make a good deal?

posted: Thursday, March 8, 2007

by The Great Gazoo [insider blog]



While on the surface it looks as though the Bills cleaned up by getting three draft choices for running back Willis McGahee, don't applaud them until you look at the numbers.


The Ravens surrendered a third-rounder and a seventh-rounder this year, and a third-rounder next season for McGahee. As you know, teams use a draft number chart to determine if they are getting equal value in draft choice swaps. The Ravens' pick in the third round is the 29th. Depending on which chart is under consideration, that pick counts as 128 points. For the third-round pick next year, you have to subtract the value of a round. Figuring the Ravens to be a potential playoff team and that they could be picking toward the bottom of the round, give the Bills 47 points for the equivalent of a low fourth-round pick.


The seventh-round choice this year was a throw-in that gets the total to a little less than 180 points. In the draft chart value system, that's a mid-third-round choice. The Thomas Jones trade from Chicago to the New York Jets (the chance to move up 26 spots in the second round) equaled 280 points. The Bears theoretically got better value for their running back.


Don't be mistaken in thinking the Bills didn't do well with this trade. They did. Third-rounders can eventually develop into starters, and the Bears picked up the chance to draft two prospects with this trade. Plus, they have additional flexibility to move up in a round if they wish.


For three years, no team has done better than getting a third-round value in trading a running back. The Ravens are delighted because they have a back who will be featured for at least three years. The Bills got value for a player they didn't want to re-sign. Good swap.

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