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Mularkey isn't going anywhere


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I see some posts suggesting TD will be fired and then MM will have to follow. That's not the case. MM cannot be judged seriously until he has a chance to work with his own guys and matriculate them into the offense especially. He's going to make some rookie coach blunders, they all do. Remember the Jags last year? They started out a joke. Del Rio had them off to an 0-4 start losing some tough games, then they progressed to 1-7 and were 2-9. The fans down there were screaming for his head. He stuck Leftwich in there as a rookie and took some lumps for it but it's paying off now for them. Mularkey, Wyche and Clements are all really good, knowledgable coaches. I think publicly they have to "stay the course" but behind closed doors they know what this team needs in order to get better and more explosive. MM made a comment in the offseason about Losman and how a QB that can buy time in the pocket is hugely important in today's NFL. He was used to working with a dymamic player like Kordell. Anyway, QB is not the only position the Bills need to shore up, that's obvious.....but I think MM and his staff will get this thing right. NO need to run him out of town. He didn't pick most of these players.

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