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The Whole Talent Issue

R. Rich

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Lori brought up a point the BADOL made about the team has talent but does not have players. Is it just that the Donahoe regime has not been able to do a good job of evaluating the players and getting the right guys here? Whether we draft high or sign free agents, the majority of the guys we get just don't seem to measure up. We've had our successes like Spikes, Adams, and Milloy (though I feel he hasn't played as well as expected), but we've also had guys who aren't playing up to expectations, like Williams. Are these guys just bad at evaluating talent/players, or is it something else?

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We overpaid for Lawyer Milloy too. What has he done to help us win games? another overpaid player brought to you from Donahoe. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



Patriots discard players and Donahoe pays them the house money.

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