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Phil Mikelson comes to Conrad Dobler's aid


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"Lefty gets it right

Ex-NFL tackle, family touched



On knees gnarled as driftwood, Conrad Dobler rose to take the phone call that would change his daughter's life. On the other end of the line was a lawyer named Glenn Cohen, who had been instructed by one of his clients to pay for the college education of Dobler's daughter, Holli.


There are good deeds and there are good deeds. They're separated by their size, of course, but also by the amount of noise that is attached. Oprah Winfrey building a house for someone is a good deed that everyone knows about. Phil Mickelson offering to pay Holli Dobler's way through four years at Miami University is something else entirely.


Mickelson had seen on TV a piece about the Dobler family: Conrad, for 12 years among the meanest and toughest players in the NFL, now reduced to gimpdom by multiple surgeries to his replaced knees; Joy, his wife, who on July 4, 2001, fell from a hammock in their backyard, breaking her neck and becoming a quadriplegic; and their six children, one of whom was Holli, struggling to make sense of it all."...



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Sorry if this topic's been previously posted...


"Lefty gets it right

Ex-NFL tackle, family touched



On knees gnarled as driftwood, Conrad Dobler rose to take the phone call that would change his daughter's life. On the other end of the line was a lawyer named Glenn Cohen, who had been instructed by one of his clients to pay for the college education of Dobler's daughter, Holli.


There are good deeds and there are good deeds. They're separated by their size, of course, but also by the amount of noise that is attached. Oprah Winfrey building a house for someone is a good deed that everyone knows about. Phil Mickelson offering to pay Holli Dobler's way through four years at Miami University is something else entirely.


Mickelson had seen on TV a piece about the Dobler family: Conrad, for 12 years among the meanest and toughest players in the NFL, now reduced to gimpdom by multiple surgeries to his replaced knees; Joy, his wife, who on July 4, 2001, fell from a hammock in their backyard, breaking her neck and becoming a quadriplegic; and their six children, one of whom was Holli, struggling to make sense of it all."...




Tiger is the better golfer, Phil is the better man.

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Phil has been my favorite golfer since 1990. My grandfather is a longtime member of the Niagara Falls CC, where they play the prestigous amateur tournament the Porter Cup every year. I watched Phil shoot a 63 in the final round to win the 1990 Porter Cup and have followed him closely ever since. His Sunday collapses and boneheaded decisions that have cost him tournaments in the past only made me like him more. This story tops all.

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If he never wins another tournament, I will always be a Phil Mickelson fan. Not only because he gave the money but because he did it with no one asking him and without having to stand in front of every TV camera available telling everyone he did.

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Tiger is the better golfer, Phil is the better man.





I have to disagree with you there. Phil is one of my favorite golfers, and is clearly a great person, family man, and overall nice guy. But just cause Phil is like this doesn't mean he is a better man than Tiger. Tiger is also all of these things, but he also happens to be the best golfer to ever play the game(when he finishes his career) Tiger has his Tiger Woods foundation and spends a lot of his time doing great things for many people, mostly children. I'm not saying that Tiger is better than Phil or vice versa, but you can't say that about Tiger. It might be his intimidating presence on the course that makes people think things like this, and most people identify more with lefty because he's such a people person. It should just be left at the fact that they are both great people and great golfers.

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I have to disagree with you there. Phil is one of my favorite golfers, and is clearly a great person, family man, and overall nice guy. But just cause Phil is like this doesn't mean he is a better man than Tiger. Tiger is also all of these things, but he also happens to be the best golfer to ever play the game(when he finishes his career) Tiger has his Tiger Woods foundation and spends a lot of his time doing great things for many people, mostly children. I'm not saying that Tiger is better than Phil or vice versa, but you can't say that about Tiger. It might be his intimidating presence on the course that makes people think things like this, and most people identify more with lefty because he's such a people person. It should just be left at the fact that they are both great people and great golfers.


Tiger behaves like a spoiled child when things go wrong. He expects every twenty foot putt to go in. His foundation is a tax shelter. It has been reported he is a very cheap tipper from people who work at the country clubs. There is a new rumour that he isn't playing these last few tournaments because he is trying to put togerther an all-star tour with his name on it. This would destroy the PGA from a popularity and fiscal perspective (if it comes true). I believe he needs to play 15 or 17 tournaments to maintain his card...he is not going to make it at this rate....the California tour is much more prestigious than a lot of the rest of the country's non-majors. I mean...how do you skip Pebble Beach??


Nah..Tiger is worse for Golf than better..you will see.

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Tiger behaves like a spoiled child when things go wrong. He expects every twenty foot putt to go in. His foundation is a tax shelter. It has been reported he is a very cheap tipper from people who work at the country clubs. There is a new rumour that he isn't playing these last few tournaments because he is trying to put togerther an all-star tour with his name on it. This would destroy the PGA from a popularity and fiscal perspective (if it comes true). I believe he needs to play 15 or 17 tournaments to maintain his card...he is not going to make it at this rate....the California tour is much more prestigious than a lot of the rest of the country's non-majors. I mean...how do you skip Pebble Beach??


Nah..Tiger is worse for Golf than better..you will see.

A tax shelter???? You understand he has to put time and money in? You don't just magically setup a "foundation" and then instantly get to deduct millions from your tax. :worthy::sick::bag:

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I think that's pretty awesome, and I have no reason to dislike Mickelson. However, GQ did a piece on the 10 most disliked athletes in sports as told by their peers and Lefty came in at 8. Could be jealousy, could be bllshit. I have always thought he seemed a little phony, but likable nonetheless. Anyway, don't mean to ruin a great thing he did, I just always thought this was interesting:



8. Phil Mickelson

Last August at the PGA Championship at Baltusrol, in New Jersey, a reporter turned to a golfer on the tour and said of Phil Mickelson, “Man, the fans here love Phil.” The golfer replied, “They don’t know him the way we do.” It blew our minds a little when we heard this, since Mickelson ranks among the most admired golfers in America. But today the same reporter makes his case bluntly: “Phil Mickelson literally has no friends out there. He annoys everybody.”


Mickelson has earned many nicknames on the Tour, but our favorite is FIGJAM (F*ck, I’m good—just ask me). “There are a bunch of pros who think he and his whole smiley, happy face are a fraud,” another reporter says. “They think he’s preening and insincere.” Mickelson has aggressively pursued a family-man image that is crucial to his success as an endorser. In 1999, when he nearly won the U.S. Open, Mickelson wore a beeper onto the fairway to alert him when his wife went into labor. If the beeper went off during the final round, he announced, he would simply walk off the course. Some of Mickelson’s peers, smelling a PR stunt, badly wanted to call his bluff. “Everybody’s saying, ‘Oh God, I want that beeper to go off,’ ” recalls one writer. (It didn’t.)


In 2003, Mickelson violated multiple taboos when he told a reporter that Tiger Woods was playing with “inferior equipment” and that he envied Mickelson’s longer drives from the tee. Woods was infuriated. “You just don’t say sh*t like that in golf,” says a reporter. (To be fair, another reporter says, “Phil was right.”)


Shortly before the 2004 Ryder Cup, though, Mickelson abruptly switched from Titleist to Callaway equipment. He left himself little time to get used to the new balls and clubs. “It wasn’t in the best interest of the team,” says a reporter. “The only thing that it was in the best interest of was his financial gain.” The contract paid a reported $7 million to $10 million annually. “What it did was set up a bull’s-eye on him if he played poorly,” says a different reporter. “Which he did.”


Most recently, Mickelson blew off the 2005 Tour Championship, though the PGA was in the midst of negotiating its new TV contract. One reporter says, “The Tour was trying to come up with a plan that would make the networks happy, so it wouldn’t have to give back a lot of money, and here’s the number three player in the world skipping the premier season-ending event. Other players said, ‘How about helping the rest of us who aren’t as rich?’ ” Adds another reporter: “It’s like not showing up for somebody’s wedding.”


FYI, the top 10 was:


10. Lleyton Hewitt

9. A. J. Pierzynski

8. Phil Mickelson

7. Bonzi Wells

6. Michael Iaconelli

5. Kobe Bryant

4. Curt Schilling

3. Kurt Busch

2. Barry Bonds

1. Terrell Owens


Note: From the article, this was mentioned about Pierzynski: "Pierzynski, crouched behind the plate, took a pitch to the groin. Rushing to his aid, trainer Stan Conte asked him how he felt. "Like this!" Pierzynski grunted, then savagely kneed Conte in the balls." :worthy:

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Tiger behaves like a spoiled child when things go wrong. He expects every twenty foot putt to go in. His foundation is a tax shelter. It has been reported he is a very cheap tipper from people who work at the country clubs. There is a new rumour that he isn't playing these last few tournaments because he is trying to put togerther an all-star tour with his name on it. This would destroy the PGA from a popularity and fiscal perspective (if it comes true). I believe he needs to play 15 or 17 tournaments to maintain his card...he is not going to make it at this rate....the California tour is much more prestigious than a lot of the rest of the country's non-majors. I mean...how do you skip Pebble Beach??


Nah..Tiger is worse for Golf than better..you will see.








I'm really not trying to be a jerk, but in all honesty this is probably the most unintelligent thing that I have ever read or heard. It's almost not worth responding to, it's so stupid, but this has to be said. There is a new rumour that Tiger is creating an all star tour? Let me guess, you saw First and Ten a couple days ago. The guy that said this said Tiger could do it if he wanted to, not reported this could happen. "It is reported that Tiger doesn't tip well" Let me guess, did one of your equally intelligent friends say this and your just repeating this? There is no proof that that is true. Do you really think that Tiger won't meet the required 15 tournaments? Well, you probably do since you wrote what you did above. He'll most likely end up winning the Fed Ex cup. You say how do you skip Pebble? Well, ask Sergio, Ernie, and Retief as well. It's a little thing called a vigorous travel schedule.


Let me guess. You have a high handicap and the fact that Tiger can be upset over a missed 20 footer rubs you the wrong way? Well, don't blame him for it.


You also have no right to call Tiger a spoiled child and if you knew any FACTS about Tiger's life you would know that he has never been remotely spoiled. It's not Tiger's fault that he has a supermodel wife and you don't, unbelievable golf skill which you don't, and lots and lots and lots of money which you don't.

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