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why we are going to re sign nate clements..


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ok 1 thing we all know is that we have the money to use.. clements said he wants to be one of the top paid cb's in the league.. well were gonna give him that.. i know what u guyz are thinking ... with our past moves in the last couple of years it wouldnt make sense for mr wilson to want to resign but we havent had a lot of money like this in a while .. wilson isnt going to let it just sit there.. he is going to make moves and smart.. he has the sense that this team i up and coming and going to get alot better.. this it wats going to happen were going to resign clements , get cato june and leanord davis from free agency.. and draft amobi okoya levy and wilson are old but still very intelligent and should know how to handle this situation.. he didnt argue have the small market team not getting and cap space for no reason.. he will make the right decisions and we are going to improve tremendoulsy next year.. LETS GO BILLS!..

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ok 1 thing we all know is that we have the money to use.. clements said he wants to be one of the top paid cb's in the league.. well were gonna give him that.. i know what u guyz are thinking ... with our past moves in the last couple of years it wouldnt make sense for mr wilson to want to resign but we havent had a lot of money like this in a while .. wilson isnt going to let it just sit there.. he is going to make moves and smart.. he has the sense that this team i up and coming and going to get alot better.. this it wats going to happen were going to resign clements , get cato june and leanord davis from free agency.. and draft amobi okoya levy and wilson are old but still very intelligent and should know how to handle this situation.. he didnt argue have the small market team not getting and cap space for no reason.. he will make the right decisions and we are going to improve tremendoulsy next year.. LETS GO BILLS!..



I love the positive energy.

(Clements will not be a Bill next season,though,sorry)


Did I say I love the positive energy?

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ok 1 thing we all know is that we have the money to use.. clements said he wants to be one of the top paid cb's in the league.. well were gonna give him that.. i know what u guyz are thinking ... with our past moves in the last couple of years it wouldnt make sense for mr wilson to want to resign but we havent had a lot of money like this in a while .. wilson isnt going to let it just sit there.. he is going to make moves and smart.. he has the sense that this team i up and coming and going to get alot better.. this it wats going to happen were going to resign clements , get cato june and leanord davis from free agency.. and draft amobi okoya levy and wilson are old but still very intelligent and should know how to handle this situation.. he didnt argue have the small market team not getting and cap space for no reason.. he will make the right decisions and we are going to improve tremendoulsy next year.. LETS GO BILLS!..


Fletch and Nate (especially in the 2nd half) were key on our defence. Fletch was an emotional leader as well. If both leave, it will clearly hurt unless Marv and Dick have a good draft and some smart FA signings.

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Sorry bro, Nate Clements is gone. His Agent Todd France, is a d*ck, but a realist, and obviously understands the law of supply and demand... in that he has said "it is in Nate's best interest to test the market...." Duh....but a point often overlooked by sub-par agents...he is on top of his game. He is pushing Nate to the free market, and to the free market Nate shall go...see the quotes from this mornings Buffalo News article on Jaro Spacek....


Also, as I scanned through our own twobillsdrive articles, I came across the one on Kiwaukee Thomas a few days back, and at the end of the article...the following: "As for the 2007 season, Thomas becomes a free agent on March 1. He said he’s already been contacted by Bills general manager Marv Levy about returning to Buffalo."


Why else would Marv be contacting him (a sub par corner who can be considered only a stop-gap) OTHER than damage control for the loss of Nate? Writings on the wall my friend...Nate be gone...but good riddance I say. He doesn't want to be here anyway....like Moulds last year...get the cancerous cells out of here, and replace them with O, and D lineman! I only want Bills uni's to be occupied by Bills that want to be Bills!!!! Through and through! If you don't think you want to be here, there's the door my man!

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Sorry bro, Nate Clements is gone. His Agent Todd France, is a d*ck, but a realist, and obviously understands the law of supply and demand... in that he has said "it is in Nate's best interest to test the market...." Duh....but a point often overlooked by sub-par agents...he is on top of his game. He is pushing Nate to the free market, and to the free market Nate shall go...see the quotes from this mornings Buffalo News article on Jaro Spacek....


Also, as I scanned through our own twobillsdrive articles, I came across the one on Kiwaukee Thomas a few days back, and at the end of the article...the following: "As for the 2007 season, Thomas becomes a free agent on March 1. He said he’s already been contacted by Bills general manager Marv Levy about returning to Buffalo."


Why else would Marv be contacting him (a sub par corner who can be considered only a stop-gap) OTHER than damage control for the loss of Nate? Writings on the wall my friend...Nate be gone...but good riddance I say. He doesn't want to be here anyway....like Moulds last year...get the cancerous cells out of here, and replace them with O, and D lineman! I only want Bills uni's to be occupied by Bills that want to be Bills!!!! Through and through! If you don't think you want to be here, there's the door my man!


Todd France choreographed it perfectly. Got the story out in the press last week after the Superbowl so it was widely circulated by all sports outlets. And his phone has likely been ringing actively ever since.


Nate had a strong second half in '06. Was he really a shut down corner in '05? Pay him the blockbuster bucks in '07 and forward and what happens if he plays average again. We've blown a wad of cash on a "shutdown" CB when we're trying to build a Tampa 2 defence.

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Todd France choreographed it perfectly. Got the story out in the press last week after the Superbowl so it was widely circulated by all sports outlets. And his phone has likely been ringing actively ever since.


Nate had a strong second half in '06. Was he really a shut down corner in '05? Pay him the blockbuster bucks in '07 and forward and what happens if he plays average again. We've blown a wad of cash on a "shutdown" CB when we're trying to build a Tampa 2 defence.



This is a great post. To both of your points...was Nate all that good in 05? And, do we need him to be who he is, WHILE EATING UP ALL OUR CAP ROOM, in a Tampa 2? I say, absolutely not. Safeties are the key in the Tampa 2...not corners....


Let him go, sure up both lines, get another LB or two, and create a team atmosphere where each of the guys want to fight for one another. Is Coy Wire all that good? Hell no he isn't but that's a Mark Pike-type signing right there...he's a character guy and he plays his a** off....I'll take it!


Marv's the man, and he has a plan....The Bills are back, whether people want to admit it or not...a couple more pieces, and we're scary...Jaws sees it.

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to everyone who thinks he's good as gone:


what team is going to sign him? which team has the cap room and the lack of other needs to spend that money on him besides us? we're second in cap room, so if we CANT, who can??? its not washington, thats for sure.


i dont think its even POSSIBLE for a team to make him the highest paid corner in the league, and if we could afford franchising him last year, why cant we keep him this year when we have even more room????


all im asking is where you guys think he will end up since we're all so convinced he's going to get his payday somewhere else?? who is going to be the team that gives it to him??

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to everyone who thinks he's good as gone:


what team is going to sign him? which team has the cap room and the lack of other needs to spend that money on him besides us? we're second in cap room, so if we CANT, who can??? its not washington, thats for sure.


i dont think its even POSSIBLE for a team to make him the highest paid corner in the league, and if we could afford franchising him last year, why cant we keep him this year when we have even more room????


all im asking is where you guys think he will end up since we're all so convinced he's going to get his payday somewhere else?? who is going to be the team that gives it to him??


I don't know how long you've been a Bills fan for, and I don't know that it even matters...but as long as you haven't been sleeping under a rock for the last 25 years or so, you'll know that the Bills don't get in to free market bidding wars AND WIN regarding free agents...even their own. Even when they should...they simply don't; its not in their business model...


Having a degree in "Salary-capanomics" does not even matter in the Nate Clements situation. He is going to the highest bidder, and that will not be Buffalo...what is left to be said? Its a no-brainer. It is a waste of time to examine the scope of all of the other NFL teams, and their individual salary cap situation, and their individual need for a shut-down corner...it all doesn't matter...some team, and some GM out there will overpay for NC, and the Bills will not match, and/or even come close to the offer...its that simple. He's done in Buffalo.

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thank you for completely disregarding my question and regurgitating the same BS i was trying to clarify.


anyone else want to belly-up and take a shot at answering a simple question??


for the record, its a waste of time posting here and trying to analyze ANYTHING the Bills might or might not do. thats why we're here. to kill some time. but good one anyways.

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thank you for completely disregarding my question and regurgitating the same BS i was trying to clarify.


anyone else want to belly-up and take a shot at answering a simple question??


for the record, its a waste of time posting here and trying to analyze ANYTHING the Bills might or might not do. thats why we're here. to kill some time. but good one anyways.


Well aren't you assuming the same thing by saying they ARE going to sign him bc no other team has cap space? You are what you despise here. No one can predict the future and we all feel as though we captain the debate team...That's all we're doing is having a debate. You want to defend cap room. I say cap room doesn't mean a darn thing, bc despite that cap room, some team will give our boy Nate big bucks...a la Denver and Champ Bailey....overpay him, and the Bills will run away from the bargaining table with their hair on fire....AS THEY SHOULD!!!!


I assume because you are ready to throw around "real cap numbers" that makes your argument more valid? I give you know evidence whatsoever to the contrary. I am just saying that your optimism will fall on deaf ears because we ALL KNOW here as Bills fans with half a brain that Nate Clements is as good as gone...I look forward to you sending me this chat one day and shoving it in my face with the title "I told you so..." but, I honestly belive that a month from now I will be sending it to you with that same title...sorry bro.

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dude.... im not trying to argue about what the Bills are going to do. i'm trying to pick brains to see WHO is in the market for Nate. i COMPLETELY understand that it goes against our history to re-sign him. IM NOT ARGUING WITH YOU HERE. all im asking is: if we arent going to sign him, who is?


only after that is established will i be able to complain that we have more cap room and we should be the ones to re-sign him.


up until last week everyone was convinced that Washington was going to scoop him up, just like THEY always do. that will more than likely not happen. all im trying to find out is who people think will sign him. everyone is so sure he's gone. if you're so sure, then where is he going? if you dont have any idea, just say so. cause i sure dont.

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dude.... im not trying to argue about what the Bills are going to do. i'm trying to pick brains to see WHO is in the market for Nate. i COMPLETELY understand that it goes against our history to re-sign him. IM NOT ARGUING WITH YOU HERE. all im asking is: if we arent going to sign him, who is?


only after that is established will i be able to complain that we have more cap room and we should be the ones to re-sign him.


up until last week everyone was convinced that Washington was going to scoop him up, just like THEY always do. that will more than likely not happen. all im trying to find out is who people think will sign him. everyone is so sure he's gone. if you're so sure, then where is he going? if you dont have any idea, just say so. cause i sure dont.


I've heard the Niners are a possibility.

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I'd think there are more topics to talk abou than Nate Clements.


all equally futile in these down days. wouldnt you agree? i mean, if you want to get right down to it, NOTHING posted here matters at all considering Marv and Co. dont look for advice here. its just friendly discussion to pass the time.


what do YOU want to talk about that will matters so?


or better yet, if you dont like it, dont post in the thread.



theres plenty of other topics to talk about. but right now, in here( a thread about NC) im asking where people think he's going to go. im not asking for definite answers. just ideas. whats the problem???

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