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Offensive Philosophy needs to change


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I posted this on another board but I'd like to get your take as well......


I've been saying this since the summer. I'll repeat for those that don't ever read my posts. The Bills cannot win games smashmouth style for several reasons.


1) 10, 12 or 14 play drives leave too much room for mistakes. They might work once a game. Every dropped pass, sack, incompletion, tipped ball, run for no gain, penalty, etc,,, ends the drive.


The Bills do not have a precision style of offense to be effective at long drives. You need a very good offensive line and you need to be excellent at converting your 3rd-down plays. In a long drive, you see many 3rd-downs. A guy like Chad Pennington is great at executing long drives because he is very good at rolling away from the pressure and hitting the short stuff to keep drives alive. I'm sorry , but Drew isn't. 7 step drop and bang, he's done.


2) Our offensive line on the road gets dominated. Yes, we had two good drives at the end yesterday when the Jets may have eased up a little, but overall, you can't smashmouth teams in their house with our Line.


3) Did I mention that Drew is not very adept at the short, precision style passing game? you need to be an elusive and crafty QB to consistently execute long scoring drives.


4) The Bills take too many penalties to complete long drives. Something always goes wrong.


In my opinion, the Buffalo Bills need to return to being a medium to long ball type of team and mix in a few runs. They should just work on Max protection for Drew and take shots down the field. You are bound to get a few pass interference penalties as well. They must steer away from the long time consuming drives and work on quick hit scoring. It's the only way this team will be able to put up points.

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I was thinking this during the game, especially point #1. The Bills consistently make negative plays or commit penalities - drives with a large number of plays won't end up in scores for this team. I think the Bills have about 40 possessions this year so far and they've scored about 5 TD's. That % won't get it done (obviously).

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