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Cbssportsline.com thinks we will get Dwayne Jarrett

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In my mind, this is true of both Okoye and Pitcock. The exception is Alan Branch, because I think he has the size, strength and athleticism necessary to play on the nose in the cover 2. If he fell to us and we didn't grab him, I'd certainly feel justified in second-guessing that decision, even if they took a player at one of the positions I've been advocating. When I say I'm not thinking DT in the first round, I'm operating under the assumption that Branch is off the board when we go on the clock.


On a side note, I agree with most of the post this selection was quoted from, including the part where you stress not 'targeting' WR, but keeping an open mind to the position should circumstance dictate that its the right pick. This is along the same lines as what I'm thinking.

The thing that still confuses me is the size of the NT that many seem to think is expected. K.Williams is only 295lbs & is considered(by most) to be capable. As I mentioned in a different thread......it could well be that a larger, wide bodied, immovable object type DT may not even be in consideration due to the cover 2 scheme. It sounds like even Branch would not have the attributes that I understand are vital to a cover 2 DT. I have read that Branch "...is not an explosive penetrator".


As I said previously, I don't really know what I'm on about but.......I get the impression that there is the distinct possibility that many here are promoting conventional wisdom to the DT(NT) position irregardless of the concept that the system we have adopted doesn't subscribe to the same defensive philosophy. Basically......are people asking for a big run stopping DT because we couldn't stop the run & that's how you do it?......or are people asking for a big run stopping DT because it would fit in with what DJ & ML would assess as best for the cover 2 D?

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The thing that still confuses me is the size of the NT that many seem to think is expected. K.Williams is only 295lbs & is considered(by most) to be capable. As I mentioned in a different thread......it could well be that a larger, wide bodied, immovable object type DT may not even be in consideration due to the cover 2 scheme. It sounds like even Branch would not have the attributes that I understand are vital to a cover 2 DT. I have read that Branch "...is not an explosive penetrator".


As I said previously, I don't really know what I'm on about but.......I get the impression that there is the distinct possibility that many here are promoting conventional wisdom to the DT(NT) position irregardless of the concept that the system we have adopted doesn't subscribe to the same defensive philosophy. Basically......are people asking for a big run stopping DT because we couldn't stop the run & that's how you do it?......or are people asking for a big run stopping DT because it would fit in with what DJ & ML would assess as best for the cover 2 D?

This post has some valid points that I originally thought may have completely nullified in one post many of my opinions on both our draft and our defensive scheme. One question that was raised in my mind: is there really a distinction between the nose tackle and under tackle in the cover 2, as I had previously thought was the case? Or am I applying a concept of the Gregg-O/Jerry Gray defense to a completely different scheme? It took me awhile to find the answer to this question...funny story, actually.


It wasn't a question of our personnel, it was a question of the inner-workings of our tampa 2 scheme. So I set out to find out whether we have 2 seperate DT positions as I had thought, or if we simply had two interchangeable DTs performing identical functions. After typing some terms into Google, reading several articles about the cover 2, following external links from wikipedia, clicking around on various pro football sites, typing some more stuff into Google...my search of nearly an hour took me full circle. I don't know how I didn't realize that the best resource on the net is the Stadium Wall Archive right here on TSW. :thumbsup:


Eventually, Google connected me to a TSW thread from May '06, a good deal of time before I even joined the forum. Within the thread (started by stuckincincy, entitled 'What is "three technique?"') is a post from the user gonzo1105 that supplies the answer:


As a football coach the 3 technique lines up on the outside shoulder of the guard. The 3 technique is supposed to be a really quick kid who penetrates the B gap in the offensive line. His job is too blow up the play as quickly as possible with speed into the backfield. The 1 technique or the Nose tackle lines up on the inside shoulder of the guard. He tends to be a bigger guy. A guy who can plug up the middle a little bit but also good enough to defeat two guy the center and the guard if need be. He usually holds up at the point of attack and tied up blockers so the MLB who has control of the strongside A gap can make as many plays as possible. Obviously this differs in the Tampa 2 as the 1 or Nose would be smaller but still bigger then the 3 and is also looking to get in the backfield. The 3 technique always lines up to the strongside or the strength of the formation while the nose or 1 technique lines up to the weakside of the offensive formation. Just thought I'd give ya a little football 101


So yes, there are two seperate DT positions. The 1-technique (nose tackle) should be somewhat bigger and stronger than the 3-technique tackle. But as you asked, Dibs, just how much bigger? We have to keep in mind that its important even for the nose tackle to maintain speed and quickness, moreso than in other schemes. I'd estimate that the nose tackle should be in the 300-315 pound range. I think Kyle Williams (295 lbs. currently) with a bit of added muscle would fit the bill. One reason to be cautious though is the question of how much muscle you're willing to add to his 6-1 frame at the risk of potentially losing quickness.


Another good question Dibs raised is whether or not Alan Branch (6-6, 323) fits into the cover 2 mold. This prompted the reading of a few of his scouting reports, and for the most part they were repeating a couple of points I found interesting. As you said, one thing the scouts say is that he "lacks explosiveness". But other statements that showed up in multiple reports were along the lines of "very athletic for his size" and "can play end in a 3-4". Perhaps Branch doesn't fit the requirements for the cover 2 nose tackle position at the moment, but I wonder, if he dropped a few pounds...could he? I won't pretend to know either way, but I'll trust that Marv and Coach Jauron will will be prepared should he be on the board at #12.


To answer your question Dibs, yes, I believe that anyone who believes the Bills should go after a mountain of a man similar to Pat Williams thinks such because they don't really grasp what type of players we need in this defensive scheme. However, because of his rare quickness for a player his size, I suspect Alan Branch could potentially be molded into a very successful 1-technique DT in the tampa 2.


But I'd still stay away from Amobi Okoye or any other smaller defensive tackle unless we want to see John McCargo attempt to move to the nose tackle spot. I don't want to make that move at this point, so I'm still thinking DE at #12 ideally.

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This post has some valid points that I originally thought may have completely nullified in one post many of my opinions on both our draft and our defensive scheme. One question that was raised in my mind: is there really a distinction between the nose tackle and under tackle in the cover 2, as I had previously thought was the case? Or am I applying a concept of the Gregg-O/Jerry Gray defense to a completely different scheme? It took me awhile to find the answer to this question...funny story, actually................

Great stuff.....thanks. :thumbsup:

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