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Why is Okoye only 19?


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Thanks really. If that was sarcastic then you've wasted alot of time finding these links just to prove a point. If you aren't (and it is hard to read expression on message boards) then this is a sincere thank you. I was looking at the Okoye posts but there are about 189323.32 of them on this board and almost all of them mention that they are 19, but only a few were offering the explination as to why. Too all those that are frustrated or angry at me, why don't you just let the topic die and ignore it. Given the rate at which people post at this board it would have probably been on the second page within four days.


To those who helped me, thank you. Hopefully my next post wont get people so angry at me.


Go bills.




He was born 19 years ago. That is why he is only 19 and not 20.

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