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What do you think about the black cleats this year

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Our present uniforms are bad enough but the black cleats just look plain stupid to me,

not to mention matches nothing of our team colors.

Alot of teams are going to the black look and other then the Ravens, Bears, Jags and possibly Bengals, I think the black cleats look terrible. It was mentioned that London Fletcher persuaded the players to don the black cleat look. I'm wandering if he exits the team, which is highly likely, if they go back to the white shoes? This would at least makes the uniform look slightly better, yes, even the road unis. Some people think the black cleats make players look "mean and tougher". Heck, you could put "red" cleats on Jason Peters and he would look like one big mean nasty dude! :rolleyes: I just think our players look alot sharper and faster in the white cleat look, just an opinion. Now I know we would all gladly trade "any" look for "WINS" but just curious what all of you think.

Go back to the white cleats and keep our present uniforms?

Keep our black cleats and keep our present uniforms?

Keep our black cleats and use our throwback uniform FULL TIME IF POSSIBLE?

Go back to white cleats and use our throwback uniforms FULL TIME IF POSSIBLE?

Go back to white cleats and early 80's look with blue pants, white shirt, and white helmet with blue and red stripe down helmet?

Go back to white cleats and 90's look with white pants, blue jersey, and red helmet?


I know we have more important issues at hand this offseason then uniforms but does anyone have contact with the Bills front office that knows if they ever plan on doing something different with these league laughingstock uniforms we presently have sooner rather then later? The homes ones are "okay" but the road ones are a complete joke to EVERYONE!

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