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My JP Losman Story

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I mentioned it an earlier post that I talked to my mother who told me a great story about Losman that was told to her by a business exec of hers who lives out in Buffalo.


Apparently this man's son was going to a few bars in the area, just checking out the usual night life when he went into one bar and spotted JP Losman, having a few with some other Bills (this story takes place during training camp apparently, so some of the guys he was with are no longer with us). Everyone was pretty cool in the bar, no one came up to Losman and really bugged him, just a nice, friendly atmosphere. So, this guy hangs out in the bar for awhile and realizes that Losman must have just gotten there when he did since he seems to be checking out the joint. The man decides to go over and talk to him when things start dying down and says "Hey there JP. Long time Bills fan here, I'd like to buy you a drink and welcome you to town" to which JP replied "Thanks a lot man, but I cant". Why is that, the man asked. "Well, so far I've had around 14 shots bought for me from everyone here, so I probably shouldnt drink anymore" JP says :rolleyes:. The man laughed and said "Thats because we Bills fans love our QBs, get used to it"


Just thought you'd all like to hear that quirky little story about our QB...looks like he's already got the Jim Kelly drinking celebration down perfectly!


Go JP! When you get healthy I'll buy you that 15th shot.

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