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How do you take these next 2 years....

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"we can work together"


There is no friggin way...


On what issues do Rep/Dems work together?


The last 10 years have been a push and pull with both parties looking at country and world issues half faced...


I feel right now the Rep has had the best damn thing happen to them. The American public gets a taste of the Dems for the next 2 years.


1. The Iraq problem is not going to be solved ( I hope a better situation) but we will still be there


2. Does terrorism get a break from the stress and pounding? If this country sees another attack or our interests in the world are attacked will the public look at the Dems as weak? Possible....


3. Taxes... I think we know how this may pan out here...



Is there one Dem that will stand out in 2008 as a "true leader" and can win over the American public.... Ah $%^ no... Does anyone really want the Clintons back in office?



So 2008, How does it all play out? I think the Rep take back over in a landslide... and we have another Rep president for 4 years...

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"we can work together"


There is no friggin way...


On what issues do Rep/Dems work together?


The last 10 years have been a push and pull with both parties looking at country and world issues half faced...


I feel right now the Rep has had the best damn thing happen to them.  The American public gets a taste of the Dems for the next 2 years.


1.  The Iraq problem is not going to be solved ( I hope a better situation) but we will still be there


2.  Does terrorism get a break from the stress and pounding?  If this country sees another attack or our interests in the world are attacked will the public look at the Dems as weak?  Possible....


3.  Taxes...  I think we know how this may pan out here...

Is there one Dem that will stand out in 2008 as a "true leader" and can win over the American public....  Ah $%^ no...  Does anyone really want the Clintons back in office?

So 2008,  How does it all play out?  I think the Rep take back over in a landslide... and we have another Rep president for 4 years...


Well, the good thing is Bush isn't running for anything now, so maybe he will work with the opposition. Who knows? Iraq could be the poison that ruins that. But he did make a significant gesture today with Rummy.

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Rum was out man, and it was only a matter of days...



Navy,Army,Marine, and Airforce times are about to release front page that Rummy must go..


That is really bad when his officers and enlisted call for his head. Its going to be a strange 2 years. I just dont see ANYTHING getting done.. Which is perfect for the Reps. Dems have some huge contracts to fill with the public with their "time for a change" bullcrap. 2 years is not far off....

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Rum was out man,  and it was only a matter of days...

Navy,Army,Marine, and Airforce times are about to release front page that Rummy must go..


That is really bad when his officers and enlisted call for his head.  Its going to be a strange 2 years.  I just dont see ANYTHING getting done..  Which is perfect for the Reps.  Dems have some huge contracts to fill with the public with their "time for a change" bullcrap.  2 years is not far off....


Oh, if the GOP just turns into obstructionists they will pay. If I'm the Dem leadership I try and work with the Conservatives. If they don't want to play nice I start passing bills that will have huge public support--minimum wage increase, alternative energy funding, a time table for Iraq, Soc Sec reform that works--and force the senate to filibuster or Bush to veto. Democrats also can hold the power to investigate over the head of Bush. There are tons of things that can be investigated. Its a threat, for now

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Not much will change.  The Republicans will filibuster everything in sight and the Democrats will go back to their incessant whining, while the Market soars!



I agree that not much will change over these 2 years.


Bush is actually pretty decent at divided government ruling though - he was known for reaching across the aisle in Texas.

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I agree that not much will change over these 2 years.


Bush is actually pretty decent at divided government ruling though - he was known for reaching across the aisle in Texas.





I disagree. Many people didn't work long hard hours, devote their time and money not to reap any tangible results.


I think Bush has finally come to his realization that the whole TOP GUN act no longer works and Americans want a different course.

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Oh, if the GOP just turns into obstructionists they will pay. If I'm the Dem leadership I try and work with the Conservatives. If they don't want to play nice I start passing bills that will have huge public support--minimum wage increase, alternative energy funding, a time table for Iraq, Soc Sec reform that works--and force the senate to filibuster or Bush to veto. Democrats also can hold the power to investigate over the head of Bush. There are tons of things that can be investigated. Its a threat, for now


That's the spirit. Make sure that majority is either short lasting or tightens further. Go Dummys!

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I disagree. Many people didn't work long hard hours, devote their time and money not to reap any tangible results.


I think Bush has finally come to his realization that the whole TOP GUN act no longer works and Americans want a different course.




What course is that? Tuck your sac and run? Dems have has piss poor leadership the past 15 years. We had a Dem president for 8 years.... Terror ran wild and Bush had to clean up that mess. You think Gore or friggin Kerry would of done a better job? Oh thats right, 9-11 is Bush's fault.... Those terrorist trained the past 8 years in the country taking flight schools and setting up little training camps while Bush was Gov. of Texas.... It slips my mind the the economy boom was done by the Clinton family.....


Here is a couple facts...


Clintons great economy boom was due to the .com age (nothing to do with Mr Bill)

now that is dead, its Bush's fault....


Clintons "I have no dicknballs policy" on the terror handle saw some real great things over his 8 years! The rise of Mr Bin.... The Cole bombing.... ETC.


How many times was Mr Bin in our crosshairs? Three times.... and dear ole Bill with that big heart of his.... What a saint!

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