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I feel bad for people who feel bad for people


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I'm just sayin.



My "I feel bad for season ticket holders" post was mainly in respone to the

"I feel bad for Eric Moulds" post. Hope this makes you fell a little better....

that I really don't feel that bad for season ticket holders, they should.



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People who need people

Are the luckiest people in the world

Where children needing other children

And yet letting our grown-up pride

Hide all the need inside

Acting more like children than children


Are very special people

They're the luckiest people in the world

With one person,

One very special person

A feeling deep in your soul

Says you are half now you're whole

No more hunger and thirst

But first be a person who needs people

People, People who need people

Are the luckiest people in the world.


With one person

One very special person

A feeling deep in your soul

Says you are half now you're whole

No more hunger and thirst

But first be a person who needs people

People, People who need people

Are the luckiest people in the world.

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