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How Does Teflon Tom Escape Blame?


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Here we have a GM who's had 4 drafts and yielded 7 starters on both sides of the ball... 8 if you count Bledsoe. In these 4 drafts, he's drafted 15 players in the first 3 rounds, five of which have distinguished themselves... if you count Mike Williams, and I don't know of any Bills fan that thinks he's lived up to being a #4 overall draft selection.


His major FA aquisitions have been Fletcher, Spikes, Milloy, and Vincent... 2 of the 3 are good pickups. We don't know yet about Vincent. Milloy... What has he done for us... no picks.. quite a few missed tackles... and at around $4M.YR., a waste of money.


On offense he aquired Teague, Vallerial, Lindell, and Shaw. Anyone happy with that group?


The best player I think Teflon Tom acqurired was Brian Moorman... and that's said when the best compliment you can give the guy is his pick up of a punter.




His best move in terms of marketing was Bledsoe... all of the fans were jacked... but, from a "football" perspective, the Bledsoe pickup was a disaster. And re-signing Bledsoe was just throwing away good money after bad money. I know many of you will say Bledsoe played well yesterday... if you look at the numbers, but I see a guy that takes a full second longer to set up, a guy that does not have exceptional ball handling skills, fakes, ability to "sell" a play. I see a guy that has his feet so far apart in the pocket that he can't "tap dance" just enough to buy an extra half. second to avoid a rush and get a pass off. I see a guy that, even when reeivers are open and he has time to thow, overthrows or under throws. I see a guy who has a very low rate of TD success in the redzone. I see a guy who makes huge errors in judgement in the redzone, as in fumbling, taking a sack, and throwing picks.


Teflon Tom's biggest gaffe was the hiring of Gregg Williams... and then to follow that up with another rookie HC in Mularkey was plain stupid.


All I know is that Teflon Tom has done a horrendous job of assembling a football team. However, from a purely economic perspective, Teflon Tom has pulled of a Houdini. How he can continue to fill a stadium week after week when this team is bascially the equivalent of the 84-85 vesion of the Bills. He must have taken a page out of PT Barnum... or even Vince McMahon's memoirs. This team sucks and is not even entertaining to watch...and it sure does not have what it takes to win football games.


Well, Teflon Tom's contract is up after next season... if all Ralph cares about is the economic end of things, he'll extend his contract. But, if Ralph is about winning, then he must kick the Teflon man to the curb.


Can anyone, in all honesty, say that the biggest problem with this team is squarely on Teflon Tom's shoulders?

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We all can agree that TD has been the issue with this team. I am not even sure if the Bills are making money, so the economic part is probably minimum. Ralph might elect to just keep TD as GM but have more input into decisions....I just hope things change.

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Here we have a GM who's had 4 drafts and yielded 7 starters on both sides of the ball... 8 if you count Bledsoe.




I disagree with the premise that the number of starters on the roster is the true test of a GM. Who cares if you're last 3 drafts yielded 20 starters, if those starters keep losing games? It's all about winning, baby.


The GM puts together the scouting staff, head coach, and the talent on the field. The only true measure of a GM is wins & losses.

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I am not even sure if the Bills are making money, so the economic part is probably minimum.


I would be most willing to bet that the Bills are making money hand over fist. Despite the fact that we've lost the last six games, the last 10 games have been sellouts. And he will always have a job as long as he keeps putting butts in seats and he'll keep putting butts in seats as long as he can reinvent the team...kind of like Dan Snyder.


When all is lost this season, and you see Losman playing the last few games, with Evans and Moulds as receivers and McGahee running through holes without slipping and picking up blitzing linebackers with authority...please will start buying season tickets once again.

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