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It's official...we've become on of THOSE teams


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A couple of weeks ago I post that I was afraid that maybe the Bills were becoming one of "those" teams. You know, like the Charges, Cardinals and Lions, who are year after year disasters.


I think its now official. Bad teams have bad things happen to them. The bad penalties, bad calls, bad execution, bad playing calling, bad drafting and bad front office management. These things describe the Bills, and not only this year, but at least the last four years.


I'm not saying all hope is lost, but its been such a long time since I felt good about this team. It's gotten to the point that I expect bad things to happen, and its seems that more often than not, they do.


And like I said above, it's not so easy to blame it all on one thing (i.e. Bledsoe). There is more than enough blame to go around.


If JP was healthy, does MM put him in this week to give the team a chance of pace boost. I doubt it...that would look like a move of despiration.


What will it take to bring this teams fortunes around? I personally have no clue, but this losing, and losing badly, is becoming to typical of a Sunday afternoon result.

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A couple of weeks ago I post that I was afraid that maybe the Bills were becoming one of "those" teams.  You know, like the Charges, Cardinals and Lions, who are year after year disasters.


I think its now official.  Bad teams have bad things happen to them.  The bad penalties, bad calls, bad execution, bad playing calling, bad drafting and bad front office management.  These things describe the Bills, and not only this year, but at least the last four years.


I'm not saying all hope is lost, but its been such a long time since I felt good about this team.  It's gotten to the point that I expect bad things to happen, and its seems that more often than not, they do.


And like I said above, it's not so easy to blame it all on one thing (i.e. Bledsoe).  There is more than enough blame to go around.


If JP was healthy, does MM put him in this week to give the team a chance of pace boost.  I doubt it...that would look like a move of despiration.


What will it take to bring this teams fortunes around?  I personally have no clue, but this losing, and losing badly, is becoming to typical of a Sunday afternoon result.


When you say we have bad things happen to us,do you mean when we finally catch a long pass to Evans on our first play from scrimmage, then we line up in the no huddle with all the momentum,confusing the pats defense to no end and were ready to hike the ball and the referee gets hurt and time out is called....bad luck?.... na that happens all the time!...I agree with your post.
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A couple of weeks ago I post that I was afraid that maybe the Bills were becoming one of "those" teams.  You know, like the Charges, Cardinals and Lions, who are year after year disasters.


Do you know how each of those teams got out of the hole?


Good GMs and/or hiring an EXPERIENCED head coach.


Norv Turner, Denny Green and Steve Marrucci....

I would take any one of those three.

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You're right--all the teams we will face the rest of the season have already circled their game with us as a "win."



A couple of weeks ago I post that I was afraid that maybe the Bills were becoming one of "those" teams.  You know, like the Charges, Cardinals and Lions, who are year after year disasters.


I think its now official.  Bad teams have bad things happen to them.  The bad penalties, bad calls, bad execution, bad playing calling, bad drafting and bad front office management.  These things describe the Bills, and not only this year, but at least the last four years.


I'm not saying all hope is lost, but its been such a long time since I felt good about this team.  It's gotten to the point that I expect bad things to happen, and its seems that more often than not, they do.


And like I said above, it's not so easy to blame it all on one thing (i.e. Bledsoe).  There is more than enough blame to go around.


If JP was healthy, does MM put him in this week to give the team a chance of pace boost.  I doubt it...that would look like a move of despiration.


What will it take to bring this teams fortunes around?  I personally have no clue, but this losing, and losing badly, is becoming to typical of a Sunday afternoon result.


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A couple of weeks ago I post that I was afraid that maybe the Bills were becoming one of "those" teams.  You know, like the Charges, Cardinals and Lions, who are year after year disasters.






You're wrong - there is a big difference between the Chargers, Lions, Cardinals and us - they all have at least ONE WIN and we have NONE!

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