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We Knew


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We all knew about the following before the season started:


1. Our O-Line isn't good enough. Even with McNally.

2. DB will not change his ways.

3. Coy Wire should've been cut.

4. Josh Reed can't get open and when he does he drops the pass.

5. Mark Campbell isn't even a #2 TE on most teams.

6. A first year head coach isn't what this team needs.

7. Denney or Kelsay won't put pressure on the QB.

8. DB can't run a naked bootleg and the line definately can't block for slow developing plays. ( Although I do understand the call ) They wanted to call a play NE wouldn't expect. I guess the Bills themselves were too shocked to execute the play.

9. Rian Lindell sucks and will cost us a game or two.


Knowing all of this we still go into the season saying were a good team!

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