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A question about replay


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Something has been bothering me since it happened in yesterday's game -- well, a lot has bothered me, but I'll just ask one.


Dillon's fumble inside our 5 that was ruled down by contact ...


Why is it that the NFL insists that it is an unreviewable play? I understand why the play is unreviewable when the ball is rolling around on the ground when the whistle blows. Obviously the play is over. However, Clements had the ball before the play was whistled dead. The ruling on the field was wrong. The supposed end of the play (when the whistle blew) did not happen until the Bills possessed the ball.


Is there any reason why it is unreviewable besides how the rule is stated? I believe that this should be a priority in the offseason to improve the replay rule. No play more changes the momentum of a game more than a turnover!


Currently the rules states that it is unreviewable when the runner is ruled down, but that should be contingent on the play actually ending. The recovering team should be awarded the ball at the spot of the recovery whether touched down or not if the recovery occurs before the whistle. Figuring out the time of the whistle on the replay would be easily done -- even adding a feature to the digital replay system to send a signal to the replay in a visual form by modifying the whistles would be possible.


This is just one of the rules that REALLY bothers me -- and we've already gotten hosed this year. Enough already. The other rule that really bothers me is the receiver getting the catch when forced out, but I'll save that for a later thread.

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I think when he was ruled down, the whistle blew, meaning the play was over. Anything occuring after the whistle, like Buffalo falling on the ball, is incidental (and non-reviewable), not part of the play. In other words, the refs screwed the pooch on that one.

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In the Miami game, Fiedler fumbled and the ref let the play happen before blowing the whistle. He ruled Jets ball. The play was reviewed and it was overturned.



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the ref should not have blown the wissel, but he thaught he was down, so he called it that way. and once they blow the wissel, EVERYONE stops playing, so if one guy just keeps playing and jumps on the ball, they CNA NOT BE GIVEN the ball. its dead.

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i understand that IF the whistle blows before someone jumps on the ball it cannot be reviewed ...


But what about yesterday, when the whistle definitely blew after Clements had the ball in his hands. There should be a way to rectify that error. Once the whistle blows, players stop playing, but until it does, all play should be changeable by replay. There's almost always a second or two lag between when a player is tackled and on the ground and when the whistle blows.

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