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They aren't exactly high buy in tourneys........usually 10 dollars.  Once in a while 20.  I don't win as many of the 20 dollar ones as I do the 5 and 10's.


Poker has paid some of my bills this summer.




the whole point is, if you are winning 60% of these low limit, you should easily be able to win 20% of the higher ones. And if that is the case, you shouldnt have to work again.


Sorry man, like I said, Im sure you know how to play, but 60% win? no way... no !@#$ing way.

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Steve, whatever you want to believe.  I'm not here to convince you.


My goal in life IS to be a professional poker player.  I don't have the cash right now to get into higher limit tourneys or I would.



All Im saying BF, is that if you win just one $10 tourney, you win $50, right? So, since you apparently win 6 out of 10, that means you win $300 for every $100 you put in. That's unreal.


I am really not here to argue, Its just that if someone really wins 60% of every table they go to, partypoker would probably be investigating something! :)


Ok, so back to the point, you win $300 for every $100 you put in (well, $110, because its $1 extra). That's $190 in profit for every 10 games.


So, If you played 5 tourneys a day, your talking $190 every other day. In a M-F, just playing 5 tourneys a day, thats $470 a week, part time. Play 10 more on the weekend, and you got $660.


I think you should have enough cash to bump up to the bigger tables by now!!!

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I don't play in that many though.


I play maybe like 5 a month.


Usually I pull my winnings out from a tourney and put it towards a bill that needs payed. If I didn't have to do that my bankroll would be rather large right now. See where I'm going with this?


The night TBD tried to put together a tourney and it got cancelled myself and another TBD got into a 20 dollar tourney. I won that one too.


I guess I should have said something like "roughly 50/60 percent."

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Well, I took down a couple of $50 pots at the lowly $1/2 tables last night....

You know what cheers me up when I'm feeling down? Rolled up jacks over queens.

Also, I love it when there's 4 diamonds on the board and people keep raising me when I have the nut flush :)


Speaking of which, has anybody gotten the new Rounders DVD yet?

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