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June 1st cuts


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every year i wait to see who is cut june 1st, but i have heard from a few people on the board that people wont be cut like in years past because of something dealing with the CBA agreement. Does anyone know if there will be cuts or wont, or what the deal is this year?

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every year i wait to see who is cut june 1st, but i have heard from a few people on the board that people wont be cut like in years past because of something dealing with the CBA agreement. Does anyone know if there will be cuts or wont, or what the deal is this year?




yea, Bennie Anderson.

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every year i wait to see who is cut june 1st, but i have heard from a few people on the board that people wont be cut like in years past because of something dealing with the CBA agreement. Does anyone know if there will be cuts or wont, or what the deal is this year?


There will be June 1st cuts but they're filled with over the hill players with bloated salaries. I don't see us getting anything from that.

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every year i wait to see who is cut june 1st, but i have heard from a few people on the board that people wont be cut like in years past because of something dealing with the CBA agreement. Does anyone know if there will be cuts or wont, or what the deal is this year?



I presume that the June 1st rule will be the same as in previous years, only that the cap went way up, so there is less need to make cuts.


Your friends are referring to a provision of the old CBA, in that since 2007 was an uncapped year the June 1st rule was a moot point, since the NFL naturally wouldn't let you push cap hits onto an uncapped year.



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My understanding is that the June 1st rule is no where near as important as it was in the past because teams got better at managing the cap and also began to agree to new contract language which forced action well before the June 1st cut date which caused either new deals to be arranged between players and teams before that date.


In the early days of cap management, June 1st marked the date when the cap was calculated for the upcoming season and moves made after that date were applied to the next year's cap. Thus a team would hold off to cut a player after the June 1st date, and rather than his remaining bonus accelerating into the current cap year, only one year would be allocated as per normal and the remaining bonus would be accelerated into the next year's cap when the player was cut.


Probably June of 2001 was the last time we saw this be a massive date for movement and it proved to be a pivotal one in the NFL as roughly a third of the Pats final roster in the year of their first SB run were signed after the June 1st cuts.


A new world was created as seen in the contract of Ruben Brown who when cut by the Bills in March of 2004 actually was chopped well before the June 1st date because his contract called for the team to make a couple of million $ roster payment to him. Even though cutting him this early resulted in a wash financially for the Bills as his accelerated bonus could not be distributed fully, they decided to go in another direction anywat with a player who had publicly berated the Bills coaches (and actually desersevedly so since it was Kwvin Killdrive he took on).


Yet, thoug clearly June 1st ain't what it used to be, I think many legends in their own minds on this board are a little to quick to declare this just another date in terms of league activity. Many contracts are agreed to by teams and players with the first of the month being red letter dates for actions like the mandated payment of roster bonuses which force action. Paarticularly in this year when teams knew some type of brave new world would be occuring of either a new lease on life when the CBA was extended as it was or pitched battle between former partners team owners and players if they had failed to reach agreement, contracts were negotiated and set with these posibililities in mind. No one knew for sure and there were different schools of thought as how to play the timing game depending upon the uncertainties of reality.


No one really knows for sure what we may find happening on June 1st as the language in those contracts kicks in within the actual new world created. As we saw with the Moulds contract, depending upon other factors like the relationship between a particular player and his team, the cap is still relevant in particular cases and I would not be shocked to see a few interesting players hit the market on June st though it will be nothing like the critical June 1st date at the turn of the century.

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