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mmmmm Pi

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When I was a freshman in HS, my math teacher told me that If I could remember Pi to the first 100 places, I could use that as my test grade... I'd get a point for every place I remembered. When I finally missed, that's my grade.


I remembered the whole thing.. up to 100. I then proceeded to cut the next class and spend the entire hour smoking in the boys' room.


So, how's everyone feel 'bout 'e?' WIthout which, there's no 'ln!' Oh, and golden rectanges!! God I'm such a dork.



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I was joking, but the brain is a muscle...if he's able to do that, he is probably one smart dude in many areas.


depends on how you define intelligence


does memorization = intelligence? or does problem solving ability = intelligence?


many animals can memorize...cats, dogs, monkeys, dolphins, elephants, etc...what sets humans apart from animals is our problem solving ability

the ability to problem solve drives progress and innovation...being able to memorize a bunch of numbers or body parts might be impressive, but in the end, you're just regurgitating information without manipulating it


a good example of this would be comparing a bio related class in college to an engineering class

for a genetics test, you'd just memorize a buttload of info and regurgitate it all back (same deal with the MCATs and med school boards)

in an engineering test you're allowed to bring in pretty much anything you want...people would come in with stacks of books, laptops, notes and old exams...you weren't expected to memorize anything because memorizing something wouldn't save you anyway...instead, they test your ability to apply your knowledge and problem solve

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