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Meat on Ash Wednesday????

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my dad is the irish, my mom is 100% guinea


You are going to believe Poojer over your sainted mother?  Sure and begorrah boy you and Poojer will have time to be discussin' such a thing...while the two of your are burnin for all eternity in hell!!!!  How could a man disrespect his fine Irish catholic mother that carried him around without a complaint in the world for nine months, that wiped his sh------- arse when he was an ugly little baby, kissed you when you were sick...all for POOJER and his worrying about BJ's and meaty burritos?  Glory to be god should the nuns get wind of your attitude young man. Kneeling on your knuckles and a few raps with the ruler should put the proper amount of respect back into you!!!


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