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Ricky Williams fails drug test


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I oculd care less about marijuana use, in fact its a dumb thing to test for.


But he knows better and if he really wanted to stay in football he would of abstained.


Still I love the fact he continues to use. Keep smokin Ricky, now if he can just stick to his guns and tell the NFL to kiss his ass and NOT try to come back I'd find it more interesetng.


However there is not much pride in standing by your convictions if your gonna cave the next time you need some coin.



Ok while marijuana is semi-accepted socially, Let's suppose Ricky was the posterchild for Camel cigarettes. What kind of message is that goin to send to kids who idolize him. The fact of the matter is that weed is on the pro sports lists because it gives a bad rap to players, and the corporate $ which funds most of the pro sports market shuns upon it. Basically, the man put a rule down, he broke the rule. just like if you or i in a decent paying job get caught doing that crap, we'd be in deep $#!T.

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Has it affected his play?


Seems the legal run around did more to affect his play than the actual weed.


If the whole legal and rules spiral didn't catch up with him... I bet he remains a very productive back and doesn't miss a step at this point.


After a Sunday beating and work out... Why shouldn't he be not allowed to "unwind", ease the pain, and blow some smoke?


Is it any more dangerous than alcohol?


Heck, the BoSox admitted to doing shots of "Jack" before the games during their WS run to "unwind"... What kinda of "image" does that portray?


But, that is okay... Only because of the fact that it is legal.




It may not have an effect on his play but it certainly had an effect on his judgement. Would he have quit football if it wasn't for his "need" for weed?

I don't thing so.

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Even though he is a moron, and a better nosepicker than gamepicker, Hank Goldberg is pretty close to all things Dolphin.




Hank USED to be close to all things dolphin....I hear that Nick Saban's "don't talk to the press" "or leak any info" approach (same as Bill Belichik btw), has really irked Fat Hank the past year.


And I do believe Fat Hank reported that Nick Saban WILL NOT be the Head Coach of the Dolphins.....1 day before Nick was announced!

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