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(OT) Survivor...


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There are some HOT chicks on this one. I think the guys are being stupid by voting out the stronger players so soon though. They get rid of the strong guys and the girls will smoke them in the competitions. Although none of the shows will be as good as the first, I think this one is pretty good so far. What do you all think?

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I love Survivor and always watch...though it usually takes me 3 or 4 episodes to really get into it since I have to figure out who's who etc.


But I agree, they definitley stacked the female team with a bunch of hotties although I'm not big on the fake boobs and it seems like EVERY chick this year has 'em...even the older ones ;)


Not that I was looking... :devil:

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although I'm not big on the fake boobs and it seems like EVERY chick this year has 'em...even the older ones  ;)


Not that I was looking... :devil:



I noticed that too. Especially when the one was chopping down the plantains. Her boobs weren't even moving! :lol:


When that one chick tried to stab the chicken was hilarious. It must be hard to keep the show fresh though. Some of the challenges are getting pretty lame, like the "cross the person next to you" stunt last night.

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I think they set it up to have the first 2 challenges to be more winnable for the women. How can you get around a guy with a beer gut? There are no woman on Survivor with beer guts. I do like it and if I was there I'd be voting off those frat boys too. One problem with Survivor is it should be 2 hours long. Everytime I watch it (I tape it) it seems like it takes me 15 minutes to watch. I love it.

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I really like the whole Survivor concept. I think it smokes all the other reality shows out there. I can't stand Big Brother and The Great Race or all these bachelor shows. Most of the other shows are a stretch. Fear factor started out good too but even that one is starting to wear on me a little bit.

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