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Has there been an SB series more poorly coached

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I found myself amazed, then pissed, and then burst out laughing at the end of the 1st half.


First, I was amazed that Seattle was so poorly prepared that with no TOs and the clock running, the team simply dicked around on the field with Hasselback changing (or giving the play gosh forbid as they should have come to the line with several play calls or at least a default call to save time) as time melted away.


This confusion which does happen from time to time in regular season was at least understandable, but then I got pissed when this poor coaching preparation was outdone by Cowher for some reason calling a TO.


It would have been even more hilarious if Seattle had simply gone for an kicked an FG at that point.


However, I then burst out laughing at the ineptitude of these two teams when Seattle of course through an incomplete pass and then missed the kick.


Thank gosh there were commercials to keep the game interesting for anyone not from Pittsburgh.

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Didn't MH aubile out 2 plays and that is what chewed up time? Not saying that is right... What would have been more funny is if he would have stuck to the play MHolmgren radioed and the thing was picked for a Stealer TD. :blush:


You are only down by 4 at the time... I just don't see why the urgency was there... Yes, it was the SB... But, you had the whole 1/2 game to play. This not saying they should have called a time out though.


Again, I see this as a red herring in trying to scapegoat Seattle a bit.


I would have rather wasted that time and went into the half 4 down than 11 down.


The best outcome was for Seattle to get the TD... They were confident they could get it with ONE strike or close... A time out with a few seconds left could even have sealed a chip shot FG if they didn't get that strike.


The big call was SA's run... But, nothing to worry... He might have sprung it... It worked for Pitt in the 2nd half on their run.


The middle outcome was the FG (longer and not a sure thing), but making it and giving Pitt some time to heave it close.


The second worst outcome was missing the not so gimme and giving Pitt time to heave it close.


The worst outcome would have been a disasterous play that Pitt knew was coming... We don't know what MH called that had to be audibled by MH when Pitt adjusted?


How many timeouts did they have... They still needed to bank one for an FG.


I saw the clock management as being not good (circumstances dictated that), but saw confidence in Seattle that they could get it done or close with very little time left.


We are all Monday morning QB's... But, it wasn't really as bad as it seemed. It appeared bad because WE KNEW that Seattle was attempting to get something out of the deal.


Again... We are blaming the victim here. I wanted Pitt to win and was grossly annoyed at the treatment that Seattle was getting.


Did you see Lori's post about the alleged treatment and retribution that MH and the Seahawks were getting because they leaked a story?


Something just ain't right.

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Oh... And as much as it was painful for some to watch... How can you say it was uninteresting?... You laughed?


I thought it was very compelling to watch.


Better than many of the blowout SB's through the 40 years.


It was very interesting and intriguing... Wasn't very good football played at time and the quality wasn't there (officials can be blamed for not letting Seattle play).


But, don't equate this with not entertaining.


A poorly played HS game can be very entertaining... And that this SB was for the shear fact that I wanted to see if Seattle could duplicate every play they MADE after the officials set them back.


The '85 SB was boring... Actually that reeked more of a "fall" (by NE) than did this game.

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