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Possible Darwin candidate?


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While having huge balls doesn't exclude you from termination in Darwin's world, I hate to rip on this dead man. Slapping around your woman and getting brought up on domestic violence charges is not commendable. However, seeing your opportunity to escape, and having the balls to climb under a bus to do it, is the type of gusto and quick thinking that eludes many people. It is a much better attempt than, say, knocking the guard unconscious, stealing his gun, shooting the bus driver, and then driving off in the bus.


The major folly in his plan is what he was fixing to do once the bus stopped and he was out of police custody, but still shackled and wearing an orange jumpsuit. I would have liked to have seen him work out of that mess.


FWIW, good try...And here's hoping for an eternity of women in the afterlife smacking you around 10x worse than you dished it out to your girl.

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