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Patriots game plan for their 18th win in a row


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The Bills are going to win despite DB.  The fuggin' Pats aren't going to tie this win record against us in our house!  Not going to happen.




You know what? If the Bills actually get even a little bit of Ray Lewis' "not in my house" attitude about them, I believe they can win, too. This team needs some passion! All we're asking for is their absolute BEST effort, just 60 DAMN MINUTES A WEEK! If you can't give that, you are just a piece of stevestojan. Many of us have jobs that are more difficult than that of a pro athlete, and we do them for much more than one hour a week. If these players can't give their best effort for an hour, they're not going to win a damn thing.

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1.Blitz Bledsoe up the middle.


2. Blitz Bledsoe


3. Blitz blitz Blitz


The boy gets rattled when he sees the blitz coming. It's been his downfall for a long time.


Oh, man. For a minute there I thought you were going to post something that didn't involve Bledsoe.

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It's not only a great strategy for NE, but every team going against Bledsoe and the Bills. Blitz on every play that isn't an obvious run.


The reasons why Drew is done are manifold, but chief among them is that the opposition will find him in an ellipse 3 to 6 steps behind the center on every play.


Donohoe is repeating with DB his mistake of going an extra year with RJ when everyone knew he was a failure.


This egomaniac has learned nothing regarding evaluating QBs in his entire career and shows no signs of changing. I've written off TD and the Bills as long as this pompous fool is in charge.

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