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The Bizarro Bills: My Official Outlook


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I've admittedly had a very hard time recovering from the dismissal of TD. While I support Marv 100%, I also have to admit that I thought his candidacy as a GM was a joke. I also thought that the hiring of Dick Jauron was a joke. Well, now that I realize this is all actually happening, I was forced to come up with some sort of stance - a point of view, if you will - on my beloved Bills of Buffalo. So here it is.....


Regardless of what you may have thought of TD and the Bills over the past several seasons, I think we can all agree that most of the big moves TD made brought us a lot of excitement when they first happened. We can all agree that some of them just did not work out as we'd hoped, but at the time they sure looked good on paper. TD had it together. We, as Bills fans, spent the last four offseasons with great hope and anticipation of what our team would be capable of come September. Well, alas, we never really got over the hump.


So here is my official outlook.....one by which I will stand by for at least the next season. Ralph and Marv, God love 'em, are in their EIGHTIES. Ralph is closer to 90 than I am to 40. Marv is not far behind. However, being that we spent the past five years with a competent, hands-on, brilliant GM whose moves simply did not work out, I consider that time spent to be karmic equity. In short, though senility and incontinence (both bowel and bladder) are likely to set in, and the octogenarians are running the show, things are simply - IRONICALLY - going to work out. The moves they make will at first appear ludicrous. There will be recurrent uproars on TBD, replete with threats of bridge jumping. But in the end, though seemingly impossible, things will be okay.



GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for the most innovative and entertaining post of the day, ajzepp! Anyone who can use "replete" correctly in a sentence is okay in my book! ;)


BTW, I do think you're on to something... I trust Marv and believe that this is a good selection for the ailing Bills. Only time will tell, however.

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Thanks for the most innovative and entertaining post of the day, ajzepp! Anyone who can use "replete" correctly in a sentence is okay in my book!  :devil:


BTW, I do think you're on to something... I trust Marv and believe that this is a good selection for the ailing Bills. Only time will tell, however.



lol, thanks :devil: If nothing else, the offseason should be interesting. I just hope that we can get back to where the actual SEASON is more fun and interesting than the offseason! I love TD, but even I was getting tired of the disappointment year after year.

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Dick Jauron is our coach and even though I disagrere with the hire, I hope he knows what he is doing and all I want, and just about everyone else, is to be competitive next year, make forward progress and by 2007, make the damn playoffs!

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Dick Jauron is our coach and even though I disagrere with the hire, I hope he knows what he is doing and all I want, and just about everyone else, is to be competitive next year, make forward progress and by 2007, make the damn playoffs!



I think most of us would be pretty happy with that scenario, my friend.......and you're right, Jauron is the coach now. He's going to be here a while, so we might as well quit bitching about it and support the guy.

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"My breasts are sensing that this one knows something."


"Let's cut his entire body off."


"I will interogate him, with my breasts."

Funny stuff!



Love that episode..but it can't top the "Baby Elvis" one.

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Great post ajzepp. :devil:



Thanks, bro :devil: Cool avatar, by the way. I went to Hawaii when I was a teenager and we went whale watching.....it was absolutely amazing. They would literally come within feet of the boat, as if they liked the attention. Truly amazing and beautiful creatures.....

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