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Dom Capers new DC in Miami...

The Tomcat

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F-in' mutter hucker.


Son of a witch.


I didn't even realize they needed a new DC. Goes to show that the rest of the NFL has figured out the very important fact that coaching is so freakin' critical right now.

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No crap, this is what really starts to get at me. Here we (meaning the Bills) are fumbling around and finally deciding on DJ, which is disappointing to say the least. Then, one of the more attractive DCs out there goes to the enemy, of all teams.


If the Bills and/or DJ don't come up with some kick a$$ assistants, this is going to get ugly in a hurry.


After watching some of the teams, and their staffs, in the playoffs this year it reminded me how far away our coaching staff is from being playoff caliber.


Now, i don't think Capers is the second coming, but the one thing he is good at is being a DC. The Bills cannot misfire on this staff (although, i believe they have already with DJ) or it really will be a long 3 or so years of pure pain.

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