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Catch Lightning in the Bottle Again?


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Like many of you, I feel somewhat disappointed in the hiring of Dick Jauron. However, this hire has an interesting precedent in Bills history - Marv Levy. This was the way things were when Levy was hired in 1985.


The Bills hired a coach who was 36-42 with one winning season when fired by Kansas City in 1982.


Levy was very smart - at least intellectually. However, Levy really didn't show show his football smarts until he got his second coaching opportunity.


At the time the Bills GM, Bill Polian, was a relative newcomer who hired someone he knew well.


The Bills were in total disarray, coming off two consectutive 2-12 seasons.


Levy was not reguarded an offensive geniuses - he was heavily criticized for his Single-Wing offense in KC.


Does this mean that Jauron is the second coming of Marv Levy and a new Bills golden era is about to start? That is certainly a stretch, but we can only hope that Jauron can achieve half the success of Levy's coaching career with the Bills. However, at least there is some hope, given the success SOME coaches have had in their SECOND run as an NFL head coach.


We wanted the Bills to hire someone with coaching expierence. The truth of the matter is that all the former head coach candidates available had warts - otherwise they would still be coaching their first team. I was strongly in favor of Mike Sherman until I saw some of comments made by the Packer fans on the Stadium Wall in the past week. They were generally complementary although there were some big BUTs. Not a good game-day coach, not a good clock manager, couldn't win the big games, didn't make adjustments during the game, etc. Didn't we hear these same criticisms in the past 5 years?


I have been a Bills fan a long time - back to the start of the franchise in 1960 when I was a teenager. I've had my doubts for every coach hired, some justified, some not. Other than the second hiring of Lou Saban, the only time the Bills hired a coach with a good NFL pedigree was Chuck Knox. He had one good year the left. You never really know what you get until they get here and put their teams together.


So we just have to wait and see - maybe Jauron will be another Levy.

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One thing that you cannot compare is the two things are happening in

different eras....Levy was signed when there was no FA...


With FA, the difference between teams has been how well they have

been coached or not coached....Looks at the teams that are consistnetly

in the playoffs, Denver, Pittsburgh, NE....The thing that puts these teams

over the top is the excellent coaching....When Mularkey was the OC in

Pittsburgh, that team didn't really do much except for that one season when

they went to the AFC championship game in ayear when the whole AFC

was very weak....Can Juron deliver in being that good coach....He failed

miserably at Chicago to motivate that team and have a commanding

respect from that team...

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I tried to catch lightning in a bottle once. The bottle shattered and my hands were burnt from the lightning and bloody from the glass cuts. Next time, I'll use a stronger bottle and wear gloves.

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