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king of the hill BILLS joke


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hank talking to coworker making fun of geeky new guy:


hank: who do you have going to the super bowl? the BLANK or the BLANK. (just pick 2 sucky teams and insert in to blank, i cant remmeber the exact teams).


hank and coworker lauph.


newguy: haha, very funny guys, but i like the Bills.


hank and the coworker just DIED LAUPHING.



at first i was like WTF, but then it was kind of funny, since they love the cowboys on that show.

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the same thing happened to me at a MNF get together at my place. the question was what team do you like. my roommate said giants, others said carolina (since i live in NC), and i said the Bills, and they all just started lauphing. i was like WTF.


since when did being a bills fan become a joke?

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hank talking to coworker making fun of geeky new guy:


hank: who do you have going to the super bowl? the BLANK or the BLANK. (just pick 2 sucky teams and insert in to blank, i cant remmeber the exact teams).


hank and coworker lauph.


newguy: haha, very funny guys, but i like the Bills.


hank and the coworker just DIED LAUPHING. 

at first i was like WTF, but then it was kind of funny, since they love the cowboys on that show.



That's kinda funny. But funnier to me is that it seems you believe that LAUGH is spelled with a P.

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When did being a Bills fan become a joke?


About the time they lost four Super Bowls in a row.


I remember one on the old John Larroquette Show, where the main character was mugged and he said to the gunman, "I want to live long enough to see the Buffalo Bills win the Super Bowl."


The gunman said, "Be serious. It ain't ever gonna happen."




And the Cancer Man on the X-Files saying he wanted to make sure that the Bills never win the Super Bowl was another one.



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the same thing happened to me at a MNF get together at my place. the question was what team do you like. my roommate said giants, others said carolina (since i live in NC), and i said the Bills, and they all just started lauphing. i was like WTF.


since when did being a bills fan become a joke?



I catch stevestojan all the time for my love of the Bills. I don't care. I'll always love them whether they're winning or not. It seems like no matter who wins or loses every week everybody I work with makes a point of coming to talk stevestojan to me about my team.

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Stick to your guns.


You are free to like and dislike whomever you want. If others can't deal with it, good. So now they have a tough life. There is a lot to be said for resilience.


Bills fans get kicked a lot. But sometimes people stop and notice that Bills fans don't hide in the corners.


I remember after one of the Super Bowl losses the "comedian" Carrot Top came on stage one night with a Bills helmet that he had made into a kleenex dispenser supposedly to cry away the tears from another Super Bowl loss. The audience found it funny. I was left wondering what I would like to do first, body slam or hip check.

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I went to college in New Jersey, and a few days after the first Super Bowl I walked into a local pizza shop wearing a Bills hat. The guy behind the counter took one look, said, "Beels? Beels?!" and started guffawing.


I took my pizza business elsewhere for the rest of my college career.


The very day after that game, I was standing in line at the local sub place (Hoagie Haven, a place of legend) and a couple of guidos (I'm married to an Italian and that makes my kids half-Italian, so don't take offense; these guys just fit the term perfectly) were yapping about the game.


I muttered something like "they got lucky." Guido #1 turns around and goes "Who's YOUR team?" I proudly said, "Buffalo." He stuttered for a bit -- he probably expected me to say the Eagles or Jets and was ready to talk stevestojan about how my team would never get there -- and finally said, "Well, I'm sorry YOUR TEAM didn't WIN the Super Bowl."


Guido #2 goes, "Jints are gonna win it again next year too." That's when *I* started laughing. :D

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We were vacationing in Cape May, NJ, and I went into this little candle shop. I noticed the owner had candles depicting the logos of different teams, but I didn't see a Bills candle and I asked him if he had any. He said, "are you a Bills fan?" and I said "yes," and he asked "why?" I said that I was born there, and as it turned out, he grew up in Tonawanda!


A turncoat, grrrrr!

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I was bartending for a private New Years Eve party in San Diego one night when this little kid comes up to the bar. He wanted a coke. He was wearing a Bills hat so I asked what the story was. He smiled and said he was a Bills fan and he started rolling off a bunch of facts about the current players at the time (Kelly, Reed, Thomas). It turned out the kid wasn't even from the Buffalo area but was a native Californian.


The kid got free cokes all night long.


I was in Key West for Spring Break . This guy was selling fight posters for the upcoming Leonard and Hagler fight. The guy saw my Bills hat and gave me a substantial discount on the poster.


Another time I walked into a Columbus, Ohio bar the night before the Bills were going to play the Bengals (late 80's). I got a loud ovation. It turns out the ovation came from a bunch of Browns fans. The Browns-Bengals rivalry gets vicious. One thing about the Browns fans is that there will be an exhibition game going on and the sports bar parking lots are full. The Bengals fans wait until regular season to make a large showing.


Also in a Columbus bar, I was wearing my Bills hat when Jamie Mueller's (fullback late 80's) brother came up and started talking Bills.

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The Browns-Bengals rivalry gets vicious. 


Also in a Columbus bar, I was wearing my Bills hat when Jamie Mueller's (fullback late 80's) brother came up and started talking Bills.



You can say that again, regarding the Browns-Bengals rivalry. It was really at its apex in the late '80s, just at the time I had to go to college in Central Ohio with approximately 4,000,000 Bengals fans.


Regarding Jamie Mueller, he went to Fairview High School in Fairview Park, Ohio. The Fairview Warriors are my alma mater's arch nemesis. I graduated in 1987 from Rocky River High School in Rocky River, Ohio. Fairview Park and Rocky River border one another, half an hour west of downtown Cleveland.



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We were vacationing in Cape May, NJ, and I went into this little candle shop.  I noticed the owner had candles depicting the logos of different teams, but I didn't see a Bills candle and I asked him if he had any.  He said, "are you a Bills fan?" and I said "yes," and he asked "why?"  I said that I was born there, and as it turned out, he grew up in Tonawanda!


A turncoat, grrrrr!



thats why i like the Bills. almost all the bills fans are from buffalo. i was born there, thats why im a bills fan. its a small area, and most New Yorkers are jets or giants fans. if you see a bills fan, they really care about their team. i cant stand fans, (like the rams fans), that just jump on the band wagon of a winning team, and then dissapear. bills fans are real fans. and if i was selling some stuff, and a guy in a bills hat came up, they would be getting some free stuff.

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You can say that again, regarding the Browns-Bengals rivalry.  It was really at its apex in the late '80s, just at the time I had to go to college in Central Ohio with approximately 4,000,000 Bengals fans.


Regarding Jamie Mueller, he went to Fairview High School in Fairview Park, Ohio.  The Fairview Warriors are my alma mater's arch nemesis.  I graduated in 1987 from Rocky River High School in Rocky River, Ohio.  Fairview Park and Rocky River border one another, half an hour west of downtown Cleveland.







I went to OSU around that time. Ohio is a great football state - from high school, college and the pros. What the league allowed to happen to the Browns was a spike in the heart of NFL history.


Check this link out:



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