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Our biggest problem is scheme not personell


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How do you expect to be consistent on offense without a scheme? We need to come up with a scheme that has personnel with which we can have balance success running and passing and only change this group in extreme situations such as goaline or 3rd and 10 plus. Either we need to run from a spread formation with 3 WR or be able to pass with either 2 WR and 2 backs or 2 WR and 2 TE sets. Like I’ve said times before you can pretty much predict the call based on our personnel in the game whether it is a run or pass as there is no uncertainty for the D. The offense never seems to try to establish a flow in any aspect. And since Drew is probably the worst play action QB in the league why bother with his half@$$ fake attempts.


I think this team would be better suited to go back to 2002 style, utilizing 3 WR formations and spreading the defense out, especially if the utilize Evans speed over Shaw. Then teams would play more cover 2 against us. This would all work fine if the Bills run the ball consistently with this group on the field. With 2 backs or 2 TE’s in most of the times the D cheats their safeties up and play the run or blitz, either getting a sack or making Drew panic and dump the ball off. In this style our WR’s aren’t even given an attempt to be a part of the game as the whole offense sees to be dink and dunk with a few runs thrown in here and there. With 3 WR in the game there would have to be an extra DB in to cover them, taking away some run support. In the 3rd quarter with this group in we had our best drive that started at the 5-yard line. On that drive we missed the 4th and goal.


Everybody keeps crying about our O-line; we ran the ball pretty well against 2 good run defenses. As a matter of fact if they had continued to run off tackle and if Henry had changed cleats earlier we could have had much better run production. Now here comes the hard part: most of the sacks come from blitzing and 1) Drew is not recognizing it quickly enough and 2) the backs and O-line aren’t adjusting. It is not as if our lineman are getting consistently beat one on one but more missed assignments and Drew holding onto the ball too long. As a matter of fact if we switched QB’s in yesterdays game to results would have been opposite as numerous times Gannon was pressured but he made plays under pressure; if he were Drew the Bills would have gotten 5 sacks yesterday. Drew and the backs must handle recognizing and picking up the blitz or we will see it again and again.

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We have the talent on offense to get it done bottom line. We have the same skill guys with a healthy Moulds who lit teams up in 2002. If the Bills employ a better scheme to keep teams off balance, less predictable and make them pay for blitzing then we will turn things around if the D keeps up its play. Where are the screen plays,crossing routes,etc.; plays designed to beat the blitz? Instead our only option seems to be dump off plays, mainly to FB and TE's. We are not putting the ball in our explosive players hands or allowing them to make plays. And as far as the running game goes, why run at the strength of teams and not stick with runs that are successfull during the game and force the D to adjust? If we can get a flow and an identity to this offense we can succeed.

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How do you expect to be consistent on offense without a scheme? We need to come up with a scheme that has personnel with which we can have balance success running and passing and only change this group in extreme situations such as goaline or 3rd and 10 plus. Either we need to run from a spread formation with 3 WR or be able to pass with either 2 WR and 2 backs or 2 WR and 2 TE sets. Like I’ve said times before you can pretty much predict the call based on our personnel in the game whether it is a run or pass as there is no uncertainty for the D. The offense never seems to try to establish a flow in any aspect. And since Drew is probably the worst play action QB in the league why bother with his half@$$ fake attempts.


I think this team would be better suited to go back to 2002 style, utilizing 3 WR formations and spreading the defense out, especially if the utilize Evans speed over Shaw. Then teams would play more cover 2 against us. This would all work fine if the Bills run the ball consistently with this group on the field. With 2 backs or 2 TE’s in most of the times the D cheats their safeties up and play the run or blitz, either getting a sack or making Drew panic and dump the ball off. In this style our WR’s aren’t even given an attempt to be a part of the game as the whole offense sees to be dink and dunk with a few runs thrown in here and there. With 3 WR in the game there would have to be an extra DB in to cover them, taking away some run support. In the 3rd quarter with this group in we had our best drive that started at the 5-yard line. On that drive we missed the 4th and goal.


Everybody keeps crying about our O-line; we ran the ball pretty well against 2 good run defenses. As a matter of fact if they had continued to run off tackle and if Henry had changed cleats earlier we could have had much better run production. Now here comes the hard part: most of the sacks come from blitzing and 1) Drew is not recognizing it quickly enough and 2) the backs and O-line aren’t adjusting. It is not as if our lineman are getting consistently beat one on one but more missed assignments and Drew holding onto the ball too long. As a matter of fact if we switched QB’s in yesterdays game to results would have been opposite as numerous times Gannon was pressured but he made plays under pressure; if he were Drew the Bills would have gotten 5 sacks yesterday. Drew and the backs must handle recognizing and picking up the blitz or we will see it again and again.



Sorry, you are flat out wrong. Not only that, this is the most worn out excuse one could imagine, and has been since the inception of this board.


Ostroski didn't suck. it was the "scheme." Fina was versatile. He didn't suck. The "scheme" did. Last year, we had talent on the OL. The coaching sucked. They needed a new "scheme." Year after year, this is what many say, and seem to believe.


Please wake up. Since 95, the Bills have used countles schemes. There offense has sucked regardless of which scheme they used. Why? Because they cannot block, nor will they be able to for the forseeable future. Jennings (who is average) will be out of here. MW is in all probability a bust. The LG sucks and Teague is average at best. CV is good but not young. That said, TD gave away the first round pick in 05. Good luck getting a LT!


McNally was to be our latest "scheme" savior. I even bought into this nonsense for a week. The truth is, teams that he has coached have given up 57 sacks in the last 18 games. Nobody has a worse record n terms of sacks allowed.


The Bills on offense is a weak, slow unit. Our feature back is prone to fumbles, cannot block, drops passes, and has an IQ of about 3. They need blocking and some good drafts, but alas, we have no first round pick in 05.. It will take many years, and might require new management, perhaps even new ownership.

The new "schemes" didn't work.

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