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Is it Possible

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Is it Possible to gain back the respect of your players as a coach after losing them?


This is not refering to just Mularky, but any coach in general.


When a coach loses the respect of his team like what has happened in Bufflao, Is it possible to gain back the respect of a team or is it time for a new coach.


I will say maybe some of the great coaches of the past could (but most of them never lost the respect of their players, thats why they are great coaches) but I doubt many of them could get back that respect without cutting everyone that no longer believes in them or firing the coach

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How is winning a ball game going to get the players the respect of the coach back? Considering the players are the ones on the field playing the game. It might get the respect of the fans back if he starts winning games. I'm talking about the players getting respect back for their coach.


For example


How could the bills players be able to play for Mularky again? Most people are saying the team has lost respect for him and he has lost the team. Is it possible to get that trust back from the players and be able to play for him again?

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