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couple of quick hitters


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i'm as disappointed as anyone w/ another close loss and another fine effort by the defense wasted. here are my random post-game thoughts in no particular order:


1 -- i'm tired of bledsoe. i've been neither a bledsoe basher nor a blind supporter, but i've finally reached the point where he's got to go. SEVEN sacks? are you kidding me? numerous short-hopped throws...more indecisiveness. i no longer believe that his problems can be "fixed." it wasn't all the OL's fault. get healthy soon, JP. this is not going to be a playoff season for the bills, so you might as well take your lumps now.


2 -- start playing mcgahee more, and particularly on the goal line. can the coaching staff not see what is obvious to everyone else? mcgahee has a knack for getting tough yards and getting into the end zone. travis henry slipped on the turf at least three times yesterday, including the crucial 4th down run. mcgahee only got two stinking carries, but the first one was a 6-yard run on 3rd-and-5 that was a thing of beauty. maybe he's not 100% yet, but he's got "it" and he needs to be played. there's no such thing as loyalty in the NFL -- you've got to play the people who give you the best chance to win.


3 -- what the fug is up w/ the stupid ST penalties? for crissake, clements and mcgee are EXCELLENT returners yet we've got morons who can't stop themselves from committing penalties that are unnecessary to the success of the play. neither of the holds called on the two long returns yesterday was responsible for the returner getting into the open.


this is going to be another extremely frustrating season for us. :D

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