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Did Anybody Notice This Quote

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from TBD (mews.com)


>>>>"They pay our salaries, and we are there to perform," said Buffalo safety Troy Vincent. "We are supposed to be professionals at all times on and off the field. When the club feels like we as players are employees doing something that may be detrimental to the club they can address it."<<<<


Interesting. As I recall, Mr. Vincent is the president of the NFL Players Union.

Reading his words, he does not sound particularly outraged that one of his members/team mates is being disciplined.


I suspect that a lot more happened wrt the Moulds situation than we know. Vincent is an old pro, and is said to be very respected in NFL Circles. If Coach Mullarkey made this move for little or no reason, I think that TV would be the very first one to raise all kinds of hell, and rightly so.


Some of you might not want to face it, but I am pretty sure that Moulds brought this situation upon himself.

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from TBD (mews.com)


>>>>"They pay our salaries, and we are there to perform," said Buffalo safety Troy Vincent. "We are supposed to be professionals at all times on and off the field. When the club feels like we as players are employees doing something that may be detrimental to the club they can address it."<<<<


Interesting. As I recall, Mr. Vincent is the president of the NFL Players Union.

Reading his words, he does not sound particularly outraged that one of his members/team mates is being disciplined.


I suspect that a lot more happened wrt the Moulds situation than we know. Vincent is an old pro, and is said to be very respected in NFL Circles. If Coach Mullarkey made this move for little or no reason, I think that TV would be the very first one to raise all kinds of hell, and rightly so.


Some of you might not want to face it, but I am pretty sure that Moulds brought this situation upon himself.




as i made mention in another thread, there's a good reason why moulds was suspended, we'll never know the full situation, and there's an even better reason why moulds isn't raising hell over it.

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The problem is here is that it is simply hard to imagine what actions Moulds could have taken that were so detrimental to the team as to merit a one game suspension.


Did he say something to Tyke Tolbert or MM? Maybe, but it is hard to see ideas being equated to actions. This is particularly true in the heat of an NFL game and calling someone a name meriting a suspesion and a gamecheck.


Did he refuse to play? Maybe, but again its hard to imagine this occuring without some apparent activity on the sideline that the cameras or bystanders notice. This includes yelling and screaming in the heat of battle or some buddy of the teammate in question begging the player to play.


Did he impregante MM or Clements daughters during halftime? Who knows.


I think the TV quote s helpful to note in that it may be a sign of some lack of support for Moulds among those who should support him. if he did do something so egregious that it has turned off his teammates (one can see from a chunk ofthe Iggles now vocally supporting TO that some of the players will sink pretty low in terms of excusable behavior) and those who support the players virtually of what they do (NFLPA reps), then there is some hope.


What is more likely about this quote though is that TV as NFLPA head was not sure what the correct tack to take might be in doing his job and thus he made a statement which commits him to nothing in particular so he can say whatver down the line.

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from TBD (mews.com)


>>>>"They pay our salaries, and we are there to perform," said Buffalo safety Troy Vincent. "We are supposed to be professionals at all times on and off the field. When the club feels like we as players are employees doing something that may be detrimental to the club they can address it."<<<<


Interesting. As I recall, Mr. Vincent is the president of the NFL Players Union.

Reading his words, he does not sound particularly outraged that one of his members/team mates is being disciplined.


I suspect that a lot more happened wrt the Moulds situation than we know. Vincent is an old pro, and is said to be very respected in NFL Circles. If Coach Mullarkey made this move for little or no reason, I think that TV would be the very first one to raise all kinds of hell, and rightly so.


Some of you might not want to face it, but I am pretty sure that Moulds brought this situation upon himself.


The quote that has stuck out for me, came from JP on Wed. When asked what Eric has meant to him this season.. JP said something like: EM is a comfort zone, when he is one-on-one, he is open and it's a completion.. "that's the way it's been for a long time and if he plays or when he wants to play, that is how it will be."


Maybe I'm reading to much into the words of some young guy, caught in a corner, with 47 cameras and microphones stuck in his face... but it sounds like EM didn't take a few plays off to get looked at by a trainer...

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