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Quit beating yourselves up over the Bills

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That was a helluva run, wasn't it? :D

(One three-ball from Isiah Carson; the rest were two-pointers by Ahmad, Michael Lee, and frosh AJ Hawkins.)


That game was well worth the vacation day and PA-to-Rochacha round trip it cost me. And from what I've heard about Relph (since I haven't actually seen him in anything but a couple of scrimmages), if he'd been on the court instead of in street clothes/walking boot, even Gansey might not have been enough to save them...


Wow... all I had to do was walk across Broad Street from my office. :(


Relph was a supreme talent here at McQuaid. He's had a rough go of it in college (not unlike former McQ stars Ryan Pettinella and Chris Fox) but hopefully when he gets healthy he'll be a star again.

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