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How do coaches get dumber?

Max Fischer

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During "the streak" last year up to the PGH game the coaches looked like the smartest guys in the world. Once the "players got it" they seemed to roll. But now they can't coach out of a wet paper bag.


I don't get it.


Clements was actually in the running for Notre Dame, Gray was a season away from head coaching job and Mularkey looked like the next Cowher. Now it'll be a challenge if they can survive the season.

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During "the streak" last year up to the PGH game the coaches looked like the smartest guys in the world.  Once the "players got it" they seemed to roll.  But now they can't coach out of a wet paper bag.


I don't get it. 


Clements was actually in the running for Notre Dame, Gray was a season away from head coaching job and Mularkey looked like the next Cowher.  Now it'll be a challenge if they can survive the season.


You don't become Cowher in 2 seasons- over the next 2-3 we will find out

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During "the streak" last year up to the PGH game the coaches looked like the smartest guys in the world.  Once the "players got it" they seemed to roll.  But now they can't coach out of a wet paper bag.


Its not gettting dumber, its becoming quitters. I have never seen a coach with as much quit in him as Mularkey. All year he as run up the white flag in game changing moments and cost this team. Gray, however, appears to be getting dumber with each passing week. This was a disgace to the franchise, the fans and players. Mularkey and Gray both deserve to be fired after surrendering like that. Lets hope Ralph has the guts to do what is needed.

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They will survive the season if for no other reason than anyone who might replace them are still involved in winning football. I am by no means a football expert, but having watched this season compaired to last some things are now painfully obvious.

1) Let Nate go. He wants to be paid as the best corner in the NFL? Maybe he should start playing like it. I am so tired of his busch leauge personal fous that cost the team field positions. He is a good player, but I think some of the young guys can do the job.

2) Keep Sam Adams. Yes he is fat and lazy, but he also busts his hump when on the field. If we get rid of him, who fills the middle? He has another year on his contract, let him ride it out.

3) Say goodbye to Clememts amd Grey. If MM is calling the plays, he does not trust TC. You cannot have a team work like that. Plus MM went way to consevitive today; he needs someone to hold their own responsibility. Grey just seems burnt out in Buffalo. The Defense has bee limited due to injury and personal, but JG seems to stay with last years defensive plans even though he does not have the personel for it. This lack of adjustments is proof to me that he is not as good as I thought.

4) Improve the lines. Both the D and O line need some bodies. The problem will be staying uot of Salary Cap Hell.

This marks the end of another Buffalo Bills season. Once again too early and once again with nothing to show for it :D

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