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Once again Mularky and Gray


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and cost their team the game. A back up QB (and a bad back up QB) comes in and Gray stops the pressure, gives up the middle of the field and allows him to dink and dunk down the field for two scores and a win. Third and 9 with a chance to put the game away with a conversion and Mularky runs a draw to a team that has gap blitzed the entire series and gets stuffed. Last week, 3rd and goal 25 yards out and they run a sweep. How many times has he punted inside the 50. This guy surrenders more than a French general. There is no way this team can have any confidence in the coaches and game plan. Firing is too good for these two bozos. In fact calling them bozos is an insult to clowns everywhere. If Ralph has any sense left, he should clean house tomorrow, no, he should not even allow these two the courtesy of a plane ride home.

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Also MM's insistence on playing Shaud Williams on 3rd down is very ill-advised, IMO.


It's as bad as the inflexibility of the Gilbride era, with their friggin' "packages" that they can not change out of.



I agree... they only have a handful of plays they run with him in there and they rarely find success using him.

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Yep, send everyone after the backup, so he doesn't even have to make reads, and can just lob the ball up there. You'll be an NFL coach in no time, cause obviously anyone can do it


There is a difference between agressive defense and sending people every time, and going into "prevent" mode, especially against a back up. Anyone who didn't see that today must have been watching some other game.

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There is a difference between agressive defense and sending people every time, and going into "prevent" mode, especially against a back up.  Anyone who didn't see that today must have been watching some other game.


I didn't see prevent- I do agree we gave more cushion though, and more zone

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I didn't see prevent- I do agree we gave more cushion though, and more zone




I saw prevent....


on that big play to Chambers(on 3rd and 10 after the Ronnie Brown dropped pass).....you could clearly see the prevent defense(on the replay).....Gray is an idiot(along with the rest of this staff)

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I didn't see prevent- I do agree we gave more cushion though, and more zone


Yeah, prevent, soft coverage, whatever. After being agressive all day, to sit back and let play come to you is inexcusable with a lead. As I said in the beginning, Gray and Mularkey just plain surrendered. I think you would be hard pressed to find a single player on the squad with a ounce of respect left for the head coach and coordinators. And a team in that boat is just riding out the season. Changes need to be made and quickly.

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