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Paris Riots

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actually, it seems like there's very little coverage of it in our media compared to other events...some morons i've talked to don't even know it has happened

there's little or no talk about it in academia which seems a bit unusual since the fake riots in NO generated a shiatstorm around here with a ridiculous amount of fingerpointing

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From an email my friend sent a few moments ago. She lives in Nanterre, just outside Paris where some of the rioting took place. Just for a perspective.



They are teens who were born in France, but they are also predominantly children of Arab parents. I think it may be an important part of the equation, and that's why the news media reported it as such. These kids feel like they are French, but they are not treated like they are French.


To simply say "French teens rebel due to bleak outlook for future" leaves out a big part of why they are rebelling, and why the future looks bleak for them.

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From an email my friend sent a few moments ago. She lives in Nanterre, just outside Paris where some of the rioting took place. Just for a perspective.


"I'm angry after reading the NY Times and CNN news. Is it current to notice the parents' (or even grandparents') nationality about those guys? I mean why do they call the rioters Arabs?

They're teens and they were born in France, like most of their parents.

Not really objective, huh?"



Thanks for reinforcing my hunch. A classic case of Western European avoidance of the real problems, because they're too enlightened to admit that racial divisions exist, and that Europe has a very difficult time accepting other tribes.


I think the real objectivity is that she can't bring herself to acknowledge that the rioters' background is an important part if the story.


This is a tad different from reports of soccer hooligans who go wilding. Usually, the US press records those shenanigans as bunch of drunks, regardless of color, religion or creed.

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Thanks for reinforcing my hunch.  A classic case of Western European avoidance of the real problems, because they're too enlightened to admit that racial divisions exist, and that Europe has a very difficult time accepting other tribes.


I think the real objectivity is that she can't bring herself to acknowledge that the rioters' background is an important part if the story. 


This is a tad different from reports of soccer hooligans who go wilding.  Usually, the US press records those shenanigans as bunch of drunks, regardless of color, religion or creed.



She's cute though - so I forgive her her liberalism. Most folks there are actually more worried about this turning into some sort of mass transit or sevices strike, which the French do well. When one strikes, they all strike and crap stops for a month.

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She's cute though - so I forgive her her liberalism. Most folks there are actually more worried about this turning into some sort of mass transit or sevices strike, which the French do well. When one strikes, they all strike and crap stops for a month.



I'd never argue about French aesthetics.

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Thanks for reinforcing my hunch.  A classic case of Western European avoidance of the real problems, because they're too enlightened to admit that racial divisions exist, and that Europe has a very difficult time accepting other tribes.


I think the real objectivity is that she can't bring herself to acknowledge that the rioters' background is an important part if the story. 


This is a tad different from reports of soccer hooligans who go wilding.  Usually, the US press records those shenanigans as bunch of drunks, regardless of color, religion or creed.




Ask her if they are mainly muslim. Correct, it isn't about race, it's about religion.

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These rioters really do have it tough:


"You wear these clothes, with this color skin and you're automatically a target for police," said Ahmed, 18, pointing to his mates in Izod polo shirts, Nike sneakers and San Antonio Spurs T-shirts.

The welfare state must be a real B word if they can afford Nike and Izod. I can't even imagine the unrest if they had to wear Old Navy and New Balance.


And it's pretty obvious that Tony Parker is behind this whole thing.

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I was trying to think of a corresponding right-wing comparison...but I can't imagine even the looniest far-right fundamentalist Christian Pat Robertson groupie blaming anything on the US...hell, some of those morons think the Bible was written in English, they're so nationalistic.


They do think that we deserve to have our buildings bombed because we are too kind to gays, though.

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Somehow, this is going to get blamed on us.

And somewhere, some visible political idiot - probably a looney California Democrat - is going to agree.


Daily Kos is among the top liberal blogs.


And right on cue.....


I have been mesmerized by the string of riots that started in France and has spread to Germany and Belgium.  This has been predicted by science fiction writers for over three decades yet I feel that the stressors in the middle east due to the Iraq insurgency are leading to a European insurgency. 


My question is:


Did Bush's actions in Iraq lead to the general attitude that these youth have or is this solely the fault of France?


My opinion is that the increased demonization on the international stage has created an environment where the rioters in France feel they have the permission?  or the right?  or something to do what they are doing. 


Bush is certainly to blame on a certain level for aggravating a bad situation in the first place.

I'm still holding out for Barbara Boxer or Chuckie Schumer but we're getting closer...
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The left says:


Muslims in France riot because they want to be free and enjoy the fruits of democracy. We should help them attain this goal.


Then the left says:


Muslims in Iraq don't want, nor could they handle, freedom and democracy. We shouldn't foist these foreign concepts on them.



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The left says:


Muslims in France riot because they want to be free and enjoy the fruits of democracy. We should help them attain this goal.


Then the left says:


Muslims in Iraq don't want, nor could they handle, freedom and democracy. We shouldn't foist these foreign concepts on them.





Although France likes to portray itself as one happy Republic, where everyone is French, a lot of this is about racial discrimination more than it is religious.

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Although France likes to portray itself as one happy Republic, where everyone is French, a lot of this is about racial discrimination more than it is religious.



I'm guessing you'll be corrected on this point as well, so let's save the trouble. I think it's safe to say that it's racial as it relates to the sub-Saharan African immigrants, and ethnic, as it relates to North African immigrants.

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I'm guessing you'll be corrected on this point as well, so let's save the trouble.  I think it's safe to say that it's racial as it relates to the sub-Saharan African immigrants, and ethnic, as it relates to North African immigrants.



Probably so, but the key issue is discrimination, that and each little gang trying to one-up each other. This isn't any "movement", it's anarchy.

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