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For any1 that is staying at the HOLIDAY INN the night before the game and wants to play poker let me know.


We will be playing just regular poker with no high stakes: RULES ARE:


Dealer calls the game and puts in the antii.


Highest hand is ROYAL FLUSH


Before dealer deals the cards the person on his right cuts deck then deals to the left.


Ten dollars is the buy: You will get $6 dollars in fifty cents, $3 dollars in quaters and $1 in dimes.


And when you raise you can only raise 50 cents.


Like I mentioned B4 this is not a high stakes game but you can also lose pretty fast that you might want to buy in again.


Myself and BIG TY are in we just need 5 more heads. Whose in ........

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How many undercover police and or FBI do you expect to show up?



Its not illegal to gamble among friends....I'm not entirely sure what the law says, but a game like this is definitely fine.

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