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Something that i haven't heard yet...

UCLA Bills Fan

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On the 3 and 1 Shelton was wide open and Bledsoe didn't throw it to him. I was sitting their screaming at the tv. I'm actually a big Bledsoe fan but this was unreal. That was just inexcusable. Forget being critical about the play call because the design worked. The coaches are not going to be happy with him when they look at that play.

The real question after yesterday is whether this team is cursed? When Jac got the ball with 2:00 minutes left i had no doubt in my mind that we were going to lose. This team just doesn't lady luck on its side. But with that being said i don't think the loss was that bad in the grand scheme of things. I think losses like this build character, they make you want it that much more. I believe in this team, not because of the talent level but because of their heart. This team puts it all on the line every sunday and i have to believe that it means something. The only reason that this game was so frustrating is because it was a home loss. To have any chance to go the playoffs we have to go 7-1 or 6-2 at home. Anywayz, keep the hope alive because if this team has the character i think it has good things are bound to happen.

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