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Next Years Draft


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There's no official forumula.  It's all based on black magic.  Yes, those three things factor in, but it's very vague and is up to the whim of a handful of people.  There was an article about it in some magazine (Sporting News Weekly I think) that talked about the fact that some teams get screwed, even when it appears they should get some extra picks (they specifically mentioned Buffalo), and some teams seem to get a lot of picks for no real good reason (they specifically mentioned Denver).


So the three things you listed is the lip service the league has mentioned, but I challenge you to find an official forumal posted somewhere.  It doesn't exist.





it isn't assessable to the general public but a formula is used by the NFL.......


"Compensatory free agents are determined by a formula based on salary, playing time and postseason honors. The formula was developed by the NFL Management Council. Not every free agent lost or signed by a club is covered by this formula."




the reason denver got such good compensation is because of the contact that ian gold signed with TB......it included option bonuses for '05 and '06 which bumped the value by 22 million, even though he was never going to realistically see that cash........

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