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Redskins Under Investigation....

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ASHBURN, Va. (AP) _ The N-F-L has some questions for the

Washington Redskins.


The league and the players' union say they're investigating

Redskins offseason practices to find if there were one-on-one

drills between offensive and defensive linemen that the union says

are forbidden.


There's a prohibition against "live contact."


Union chief Gene Upshaw says they learned of the drills from the

team's Web site.


Coach Joe Gibbs says the team has turned over tapes of its

practices to the league for review. If there's a violation, the

Redskins could lose some of their offseason practice days.


Gibbs says he thinks the Redskins are well within the rules.

Tackle Chris Samuels says the drills are for working on hand

placement and technique, but aren't used to drive guys to the


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