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A Saturday Night Home Game!!!!!


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Woulda been cool if it had been a dolphins game. Imagine the scalped prices for a Saturday night home game vs the felons?



Once again, Uncle Ralph shows his pull with the league in getting this schedule. Miami is a sellout, so why waste a night game on them....put Denver in late so they sellout a December game. The other duds, Carolina...Thanksgiving weekend (sellout), and Houston..opening day (sellout). Atlanta will be sold out because it is a probable warm weather game...and Jets and Pats should get there by gameweeks. If we have a clunker season, the only game that is in trouble is KC. Otherwise, I think the couch potatoes get 15 of 16 for sure.


If we are still in contention come Denver, get the stomach pumps ready.....and we may never see another night game again.

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The Pats won't sell out till gameweek? Are you kidding me? You won't be able to get a ticket to that in July!


The rest I agree with - it was well planned out, and looks like it'll be 8 for 8 on sellouts this year. Sweet!

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