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[OT] Best way to register a domain name?


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I've never done this before...I want to register a domain name for a small web site I'm making for someone, but I just wanted to be sure the best way of doing that. It seems more complicated than it really is.

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There are differences. Some of the cheaper sites (I don't think GoDaddy is one) will actually "own" the domain. The big difference is if you either need to switch registrars for some reason, or if you have issues with the domain. Basically, the customer service after the fact varies, and issues of domain name ownership may come up. AFAIK GoDaddy is decent. Here's a site with a bunch of registrar ratings: http://www.buy-the-domain-name.com/rate_registrar/index.php



Bottom line: send SDS $100, and he'll take care of it for you. ;)

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