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11-6: McDermott and Coordinator Pressers

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20 hours ago, TFBillsfan said:

And this is the wrong mindset! Quit striving for the minimum as a WC entry and expect to win the division. The Jets loss still ticks me off. They look unprepared and got totally outplayed from the opening kickoff!

Why not move the games to Friday nights then? But at the end of the day it still comes off as an excuse. Jets played on the same amount of rest and looked fine. Three days rest didn't cause the fumbles or lack of discipline regarding self inflicted penalties.

Hell yeah!! That's what I'm saying. While we may have gotten some lucky wins this year, so have the Patriots. They easily should have lost to the Texans, Buccaneers and Chargers. I still think they are vulnerable this season. We have a chance to take this division. First, beat the Saints! 

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