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Do the NFL provide new owners any kind of assistance.


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I'm curious to know if the NFL or any other league provide some type of assistance to new owners who's not that knowledgeable to how the leagues work?


I'm asking because I'm starting to wonder if the Pegula's are being taken for a ride. I may be wrong but it's starting to appear that way. I remember the one article when it was stated that Whaley went rogue and that's why he just releases fan favorite Fred Jackson. Then Rex comes along and flat out lied and said that he would keep the defense the same and possibly add on to it. Now enters Brandon Bean and he seems to be hell bent on building a team as cheap as possible aka through the draft. It's like he knows the Pegula's isn't that knowledgeable so it's ok for him to try his experiment without repercussions. I believe he pulls the wool over their eyes by informing them but he know he won't get much resistance because they're the ones that's inexperienced in this game. Again I could be wrong but I just feel like they're being taking advantage of. Building through the draft to me mean draft as good as you can and when those picks rookie contract is up, let them go and do it all over again. And in the process you save a ton of money and hope to look good doing it. That philosophy work when you have a franchise qb that can take you to the promise land no matter what. Hope I'm wrong though.

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I said I could be wrong. To me it do seem as though the last few hires just went haywire at times. Rex bringing his brother in, Doug and some of the moves he's made and now Beane just come in cleaning house and getting rid of good talent.

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